Miracles Contest – Winner’s Circle


Sarah Jensen

Cleared of spiritual parasites
and pests.

The persistent painful spot between my shoulder blades, which had eluded resolution through many many doctor appointments, is gone! Since the training, the pain discomfort and heaviness I carried there for years has disappeared. The chiropractor has been amazed. My posture is much different; my back is stronger and my visits to the chiropractor dropped to less then half! I am free of intense fear I struggled with since childhood.

A weight has literally been lifted from me. I know that I cleared hundreds of spiritual parasites and pests. I am aware and informed of what’s out there and what can trouble me. I am proactive and continue to clear them as they come in. The power and gift of being able to clear on the spot changes everything. My days go so much better and my life flows beautifully. It has been extremely eye opening and nothing short of miraculous.”

– Sarah Jensen, about Freedom from Spiritual Parasites and Pests


I joined the Breast Health Training so I could clear cancer DNA and beautifying my breast I have since the class had the medical re- check for Cancer DNA and there is none left!

Shape and size of my breasts have improved considerably.

I am so excited!  I want to dive deeper and learn more with and from you.  Using the 100% Quantum Activations techniques, my aim is to heal myself completely, rejuvenate and grow into my life purpose and fulfill it with love and grace.

– Claudia Duncan, about Breast Health

“Shape and size of my breasts have improved considerably.”

—Claudia Duncan

Although I haven’t directly used the Quantum Activations techniques for weight or wealth issues, since taking the breast health class both areas have improved considerably. I recently relocated and after being in Germany for just 2 months, I have already got 3 new clients!

Miraculously I am also feeling so much safer and calm around being able to create sustainable income and just the idea of ease with money. Clarity and gratitude have grown exponentially. I use the quantum clearing techniques for everything I struggle with that needs healing with great success. They are super easy to learn and so effective!

– Claudia Duncan, about Quantum Activations

“I feel a lot more energized and life feels exciting…”

My brain didn’t function properly after having general anesthetics as a result of doing the Brilliant Brain Training my brain feels much clearer. Before the class started I felt ‘stupid ;0(“ and lacked confidence because I knew my brain wasn’t functioning properly. After the first class I felt so much more confident and now I don’t even consider that I’m stupid because I’m not. My big goal was to clear dementia from my field – I had dementia in another bloodline from blood transfusions.

The Dementia issue is completely clear now. I’m now confident with my skill and ability to have great conversations and be with people. I can absorb information and take in what people are saying. By taking the brilliant brain got in the habit of using the daily meditations and have made that my daily practice! I have continued with the mediations to regenerate the brain. What’s so cool is I used to struggle with meditation, and just following the flow, I now find that I can do them much more easily, I can easily comprehend what Julie Renee is saying and feel it happening in a more relaxed joyful experience!

My mind feels clear and more focused, I am looking forward to my brain .continuing to regenerate over the next 6 months, I wanted to get back into the world more fully and having my brain functioning again is the ticket back! I feel this is now happening I can look forward to enjoying my life again and being creative as well as becoming the best of me, I am looking forward to being clearer and lighter and life unfolding in this whole new way that I have not experienced before, it’s feels life I’ve been born again.

– Pennymay Griffin, about Brilliant Brain

Pennymay Griffin

Before taking this training I felt sluggish and low in energy – now I feel a lot more energized and life feels exciting. I wanted to improve my health – now my bowel is working better and i’m feeling more confidant about going out ( I was very incontinent). I was quite isolated and unenthused about life – now I feel so full of life and am enjoying every moment, life feels exciting and joyful.

I’m excited about life which feels so expansive now, I look forward to being in life, my spirit if now fully in my body and I feel joyful and my future looks so bright in every way.

I’ve got back into the workshop and am busy making stone sculpture producing work in that looks light and more beautiful. I’m excited about keeping up my classes, before I would feel like an hour a day meditation was a lot of work, now i look forward to it and can’t wait to do more, in fact now there is space in my body I feel I have enough space and time to do more and more.

– Pennymay Griffin, about Freedom from Spiritual Parasites and Pests

Low brain functions from chronic Crohn’s disease and many operations.  I knew the brain wasn’t functioning as well as it could and it really bothered me. I was often feeling stupid it was so overwhelming. I just didn’t absorb what people were saying or hear them properly. After attending the Brilliant brain training my brain is so much clearer, I am able to take in what people are saying with ease.  As you can imagine with lower brain function I had developed extreme lack of confidence that has really resolved  and I now have so much confidence, I have found my voice!  From feeing shy, awkward, uncomfortable to feeling confident as well as relaxed in conversations.

I discovered I had several DNA and bloodlines factors affecting my brain. This was due to  blood transfusions. I was able to clear all these programs from my DNA which has allowed it to function again as its original template, There was also added Alzheimer’s DNA from the blood transfusion which has now gone completely.

I’m so excited to have the brain working better than ever before. I know that there is a 6-month regeneration period, I am practicing the meditation everyday since the class the brain is regenerating more and more each day, It’s miraculous how much clarity and strength is coming in and the awareness is expanding more and more. I’m so happy with this class and the results, the meditation is deepening as well and becoming clearer with all new discoveries. Great class!!

– Pennymay Griffin, about Brilliant Brain

Dionne Quan

I felt drawn to enroll in Breathe Deep because my health has been a priority for many years. I love learning new valuable skills like regenerating the respiratory system. I really value having the chance to refine my quantum pump skills along with a great group of people with a similar issue, while receiving the empowering support of Julie Renee.

I had experienced my respiratory system as being weak, and I was hoping that as someone with asthma symptoms for many years, that there would be at least moderate improvement overall.

I have experienced Asthma or the precursors to Asthma since I was around 7 years old.

to my Joy at least 90 percent of my asthma symptoms are gone! Wa hoo this is amazing! I am writing this on the day of the training, and I have already experienced such a wonderful miracle! I have also experienced blocks in my throat, and I feel them falling away now! I don’t remember a time my body has felt as strong and healthy as it does now.

I am very much looking forward to spending more time with my cat. My asthma gets triggered when I am around her so I often have to limit the time spent together. I look forward to singing with a strong voice, and generally having a much better quality of life. I didn’t know that regenerating the body could be so effortless, and I am looking forward to doing more of that.

– Dionne Quan, about Breathe Deep

“I feel so much joy and bliss in living my life now…”

1. I now can recognize and create a wealth of amazing opportunities for myself that I am now exploring. This includes being a prolific writer. For the longest time I never felt like I could do anything else other than the work I have previously done. I also felt like my business would never get off the ground, and now I know it will! So many different product ideas are coming to me so quickly. A dear friend who has been in my life for a while commented that he saw that creativity is now a natural joyful process for me, and I am excited because it certainly hasn’t always been that way. I am exploring finding side jobs that support me not only financially but also can teach me new skills that will help me to be even more successful in business, and I have been able to really help my loved ones come up with useful ideas and opportunities that they’re now excited about their success and fulfillment.

2. I am a transformational facilitator, and I have realized my first goal of having 4 ideal clients! Now I can continue on to my next goal.

3. I feel so much joy and bliss in living my life now, that I don’t feel remotely like the same person I was a month ago. This class was really profound, and I like how much we focused on our field of amplification. I know that there were many crossed and mixed signals in mine, and I feel so clear now, and I am so grateful for this new found freedom of enjoying the creative process, and feeling joyful and inspired instead of discouraged. I feel like this class has clarified and simplified my life in the sense that I am no longer in my own way, and I am free to do all the things I need to in order to bring in my successful affluent life.

With my new found clarity in my field of amplification and clarity and confidence around skillfully communicating what I do and who I serve, I am looking forward to networking more, getting my message out there and creating valuable products and services for my ideal clients. I am excited about getting out there and meeting lots of like minded people I can deeply resonate with and collaborate with in a supportive beneficial way.

Because I feel so incredibly wonderful, I am looking forward to meeting kind men in my area to see if we resonate enough to be in divine partnership.

– Dionne Quan, about Everyday Magentism

I wanted to heal my body after being on disability for 3 years. I have used the processes I have learned for many different areas of my body. The most drastic results have been for my adrenals. After about 6 weeks, I was able to able to taper off of my adrenal supplements. I am no longer taking the hormones and just occasionally taking herbs. I have enough energy to make it through the day now! I now have the confidence that my body will heal completely and I will be able to enjoy life again!

– Karen Thomas, about Grow Younger


I attended the Freedom from Spiritual Parasites and Pests class. The way you explain brings so much softness and much comprehension…the pumping is a easiest way for us to help humanity and our own hearts…that amazed me!

– Ana Parracho (Silva), about Freedom from Spiritual Parasites and Pests

Brenda Ball

Eyes Healed to 20/20 and 20/50

I had an intention to improve vision to 20/20 – 100% and restore great health to my eyes so I could stop the shots for wet Macular Degeneration. I knew my issues were related to spiritual interferences. As a result of attending the training my vision stabilized with glasses on.  20/20 in right eye and 20/50 in left eye. This is after the 7 Hour Freedom from parasites class and weekly Dynamism Meditations with a practice of daily half hour quantum pumping.

Yes! I am thrilled! At 74 years young I am hoping to continue the improvements to NO more glasses and 100% free of parasite etc that are not me and BE ME!

– Brenda Ball, about Vision See Clearly and Freedom from Spiritual Parasites and Pests

I was feeling like I was just barely able to keep my head above water financially. I was tired of treading water and I knew my emotional life was not up to par and not helping the situation. I am a Server at the restaurant Olive Garden and am in some stressful situations when multiple people want something all at once. I hoped my communication skills and ability to calmly and confidently deal with situations like this would improve.

I had struggled with negative emotions… complacency, blame, feeling crushed, and disappointed. I would be so hard on myself for messing up an order, not speaking up to ask for help from fellow teammates if needed, or just letting my frustration get the best of me.

After attending this training, I no longer get frustrated like I used to… I just deal with things as they come… I have noticed that by slowing down with my guests and focusing more on accuracy of hearing their order correctly and giving them more space to enjoy themselves energetically, that things actually unfold much more quickly. I would not be able to do this had I not cleared a plethora on negative emotions in the class. Thank you Julie Renee~!

I am looking forward to my tips increasing more and more as I master serving. I am looking to start my own business helping others discover their own peace within and living from that place. I am so much more peaceful and closer to being able to do so. People are asking me what I do outside of work much more often and seem to be much more interested in me in general. I am very excited about my social life opening up and my ability to enjoy myself and others~!

– Dustin DiLulo, about Quantum Emotional Balance

I truly wanted find freedom from spiritual interferences so I could finally  have a real  life!

For the last 22 yrs I felt a constant feeling of “I don’t want to be here” that over shadowed & permeated everything. I lived a half life-going thru the motions, not understanding why this feeling was there. I have such a wonderful family.

In Julie Renee’s class, I learned I had a walk-in! After it was cleared, I now have my zest for life back! I can eat again–gained 8 lbs.. so far- 20 more to go! I now have energy & strength to play with my adorable granddaughters, joke & laugh again! Now, I can take care of my Self-meditating-pumping-etc.

Before I never bothered with these types of self care activities or struggled to do it-it seemed so useless. I was depressed for years & hadn’t been able to come back all the way. I can now REMEMBER how to joke & laugh & have fun. I couldn’t even remember what I’d been like, couldn’t remember my own self. As I write this, tears of sadness, relief & joy are releasing. How wonderful it is to be ME again!!! My children have their mom back! My husband has his wife back! Words cannot express the depth of my GRATITUDE!!! Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

I now HAVE a future! I’m looking forward to being strong enough to hike, get back to nature & keep up with my young granddaughters. I no longer subconsciously write my will. I now look forward to being there for my family in the years to come. Most of all, I’ll be able to do my purpose work & connecting more deeply with the Divine.

– About Freedom from Spiritual Parasites and Pests

Margaret Soloway

“How wonderful it is to be ME again!!! My children have their mom back! My husband has his wife back! Words cannot express the depth of my GRATITUDE!!! Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.”

—Margaret Soloway

