Forever: Living into Your Vibrant Long Life Potential

Home Study


Cost: $1,900
or 6 payments of $350

reduced from $5,000

24-Week Description of Program
Live with Julie Renee!

Gosh, it is an exciting time to be alive! What you say? With the Lock down and the Virus, Julie Renee are you nuts? Hmm, nope it really is a wonderful, actually magnificent time to be a human in a body. Let me tell you why.

For the first time in human history, we are getting the root cause of the struggle between lightness and dark. And with that doors are beginning to open showing a path to the both collapse of the 700-900 year aging human system and just beginning to get an inkling of how to ask the right questions to start the progress of living longer more fruitful fantastic lives.


Here’s what we are up to in your
24 weekly training sessions:



September 21, 28

1. Releasing the Genesis Snarl – In our first training how the Genesis and Amplification supporting fields fortify and enhance Cardiovascular, Hormonal, Nervous systems working both in improving DNA as well as Divine and Personal Blueprint transformations. This issue is originated 40,000 year ago!
2. Neutralizing Quantum Detour – Quantum Field has been detoured from full transformational force in this class we’ll establish a vibrant intersection with the skeletal system disappearing death and decay programming specifically in the Personal Blueprint while fortify metabolism



business man

October 5, 12, 19, 26

3. Disappearing Breaks with Light – We’ll be addressing the fall including what is known like the Expelling from the garden and the great flood as well as those not consciously known. Working hand in hand with God on the clearing of curses invoked in those dark times, and a move for our community towards greater light and blessings especially in this incarnation
4. Reclaiming Highself Ownership – fully restoring the shredding of the spirit self with brands left by the dark forces especially in our DNA and with some aspect of transformation in the Divine Human Blueprint. Taking back our personal force. Neutralizing traumas in Essence.
5. Spinal Strength ~ Soul Trauma Release working the field of embodiment to disappear and neutralize soul traumas while soul to spinal history and strength working dynamically in the DNA and Expanded God DNA for physical longevity.
6. Transforming Sacrum Capacity for Evolvement – Advancing into the longer living Human means evolving into a greater level of foundational love wisdom in action and embodied and for those who choose adding the spiritual organ we refer to as Pillar which is related to the sacrum but not present in all humans helping ascension and longevity in this case. Working in the personal blueprint.




November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

7. Silver Thread Restructuring – Working into the energetic body fully transforming the damage and harm done to the intricate lacy network of the silver thread in the physical system correcting the core issues from the personal blueprint to the silver thread neutralizing the negative effects of Amplification. Silver thread is related to spontaneous joy.
8. Bone Marrow Augmentation – initiating a transformative process in your bone marrow enhancing texture, content, energetic force. Neutralizing diminished capacity currently set for humanity at 9%. Working in Bone marrow texture and light strengthening communicative quality with your Presence.
9. Imprint Match Suppression Neutralization – starting from 5 weeks post conception through 7 months a tremendous imprinting of parental failures darkness patterns become part of your blueprint. In this program will be neutralizing and fully clearing dark patterns from gestation imprinting.
10. Program Clearing from Original Design of Essence – The original designers were creating a servant race. As we have studied 3 unique groups helped with the design of the Human Angel Elf over a long period of time. We’ll at least begin to touch the issues wired in from the rouge developers who sought to enslave us. As I can find issues, we will neutralize clear and disappear in this session.
11. Angel to Devil Cursing: Human Angel Elf – As a division happened in the angelic community waging a civil war with each other some broke off into darkness angels turned to devils and demons and began a cursing warfare. Just like we see today with biological warfare this cursing was profound, dramatic and extremely harmful. In this session we seek to clear hundreds of curses affecting the longevity and joy of Human Angel Elf embodiment.



Gold Background

December 7, 21, 28

12. Demonic Influence Oppressing Bone Potential – This work will focus in the actual bones experienced in matter an neutralizing and disappearing the dark energy imprinted into all those in Human body’s.
13. Purity Truth Dedication: Alignment to God Light – In seeking to understand what has gone amiss in human potential, we look to God for loving support and wisdom to progress. Unraveling the demise and decay of some our race into darkness all affected in some way, we now seek Gods care.
14. Golden Thread Light Function Enhancement – the golden thread is your lifeline it connects all aspects of perception as well as Highself, Presence, spirit, golden rings to your physical self. We’ll especially focus in on your Personal Blueprint, what abilities you currently have bringing the Golden Thread to its full potential.



Digital Man

January 1, 11, 18, 25

15, Awakening Dormant Life Potential Setting DNA – in this session we’ll be working your Personal Blueprint, neutralizing the aspect of DNA in Essence for a damaged embodiment experience in contraction and lacking mental sovereignty.
16. Demolishing Demonic Control of Physical Force – Misinformation feed Broadcasts working tone light purity to personal sovereignty of Physical force with full access and use special attention to Personal Blueprint and Your Body transformation.
17. Side by Side Structure Strengthening – Skeletal light levels establishing bone frequency Meridians flow strength restoring high frequency conveyance. Both these issues were likely never set well so we’ll be laying a new track evolving the already in use structures in need of an upgrade.
18. Energetic Bone Use Strengthening – We know about the physical use of bones, but what is the role they play in relation to our energetics? We’ll be advancing our work with Golden thread and miracle energies related to what the bones can and do provide, improving allotment levels for life fulfilment.
19. Bone Authority – bones of the deceased stay energetically connected to clan in religion there are relics, bones of saints preserved said to have power, as well bones were buried in land to establish clan authority.  The essence of the purpose of the life lived continues on in the bones. So we in this day and age want to keep our bone authority as we end our incarnation and while incarnated use it to expand life potential.




February 1, 8, 15, 22

20. Divine Awakening DNA Advancement – Biological, Energetic and Mental Sovereignty setting DNA up for empowered self fulfillment aligned with God truth. Prioritizing truth discernment clearing neutralizing allowances for underprivileged and neglected standards.
21. Metabolic Enhancement – Chemical condition for lifeline potential neutralizing disappearing satanic downgrading and set point enrichment for Subsistence which for most of humanity is set at around 30% fulfillment. Goal for full chemical support and raising substance to our very best miraculous state of development and growth!
22. Embodiment Set Point DNA – currently set at 30% Embodiment is fragile, susceptible and easily influenced. Resetting Embodiment for full light, love, truth, fulfillment. Neutralizing the low DNA calibration of life in body to highest potential. Enhancing years in body eight-fold.
23. Brilliant Light of Purity Emergence – Addressing your Stem Cell purity and directive from your Personal Blueprint. Current set point is 8% pure, imagine stem cells, and the regenerative power of cells set towards 100% purity and how it would affect the liveliness of the new cells being produced and released into the body, we’ll move the set point for RPA to fully integrate, use and enjoy the unleveled pure cell production.




March 1

24. Restoring the Directions of Systems Operations – focusing specifically on transformation in the personal blueprint systems operations settings to strengthen each to generate more vital brilliance day to day form tone light blessedness.

Yes! Count me in.

Single Payment: $1,900


6 payments of $350

Tuition reduced from $5,000

Home Study

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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations