Grace Series

This series of interviews gives us an opportunity to learn more about those Divine and extraordinary beings who support and guide our community. As I completed each interview, there was a request from most to come back and share more. Our audience felt the same way, we want more; I have seen it over and over in the more is here.

In Spring into Grace, we are interviewing:


Elohim 7 The Comforter

  • The theme of this interview is how to experience peace amidst the massive transformation at hand.

Consciousness from God Cloud 8 Speaker of Truth

  • The theme of this interview is what is consciousness and how to emanate God’s consciousness from your essence

Leader of Guardian Angel Special Forces of Guardian Angels

  • We will talk about their current work

Lord of Hosts Elohim 4

  • The theme will be about heaven in its current state a report on the outstanding individuals moving and shaking in God’s kingdom ( and mansion)

Pleadeian (new to us) Ambassador to Earth

  • The theme is don’t worship us, how to be leaders, and maintain your authority while interacting with Pleadeians.

Arcturian (new to us)

  • The theme is mercy when harm has been perpetrated and how to show mercy (don’t through baby out with bath water.)

Learn More About Spring into Grace

In Grace Series 3, we are interviewing:


Baard Archangel (female) 

  • From another dimension, rescued now in Light Brigade. This group known for its brilliant colors came to us 1 year back, surprising our archangel friends, saying these are definitely archangels, but we do not know them.  From God cloud 7 created from the archangel blueprint, speaking to us on the topic: Prioritizing Godly Action She tells me this will help with ongoing daily struggles to choose the high road and high action.

Jasmein Angel 23 

  • She has been with us for 4 years and is part of the participating and supporting angels, from the very large angel grouping Michael is from as well. She is a warring angel, who has fought against the forces of evil for 100,000 plus years when the battle lay first in heaven. I have invited her to ask many God-directed questions, so that we may better comprehend the long-standing battle and how God is working in and through us in this effort.

Elohim Lord of Hosts

  • One with the God structure, speaks through the prophets and relays the intentions and will of God, what is and what is to come. In this interview, we will receive Answers from God on What the future holds for Humanity.

Bi-Ell High Truth Energy Intelligence

  • Supporting our efforts for 7-years, This reads as an individual from God cloud 3, who has neither form nor body. This Intelligence will speak to our development as maturing consciousness.

Tanner Archturian

  • Is the female coming back for a 2nd conversation, We now have 74 who regularly attend and (assist our group 70% true) in transformation, (supporting our efforts 80% true), and (observing the shifts we create 100% true). 72 of them are respectful with flat emotion, and 2 have evolved with us experiencing compassion and a realm of generosity 100% true. She will be talking to us once more about the things her race is doing to some humans, giving us helpful insight on stopping harmful future actions planned by her people, which she feels we can stop.

Lord Jesus Christ

  • Our beloved friend and guide. He will talk to us about the feeling realm, and how to understand your relationship with Him, God, and Holy Spirit. How we lost I don’t feel God loving me, a sense of awareness.  In the Energy system, it is the God Pleasure context he will address.

Learn More About Grace Series 3



In Grace Series 2, our interviews included:

Ta, a female Angel type 16 
  • Ta and all the angel type 16 have a special mission of clean pure nourishment. The topic she chose to be interviewed on is Food Sanctity. Angel type 16 is most similar to Guardian Angel created 90,000 years ago with 6 lovely medium size wings, she is about 8 feet tall. Ta has been working in our community for about 4 years. And is delighted to have an opportunity to speak to all of us.

Archangel Rafael

  • Archangel Rafael returns for an encore interview. He was the one who specifically asked me to have him back. In our first interview, I found Rafael to be very respectful and sincere. His ongoing Intention is to be a real help to the progression of humanity. The topic Archangel Rafael chose: Cultivating Courage for the Road Ahead.

Arcturian Taner

  • Arcturian Taner is new to our audience looking a little similar to the Alien group Greys, but largely different in intent and action. In our past series, we had an ambassador representing the Arcturians who choose not to give his name but did reveal a great deal about the actions of his group with an affirmation I was right to feel trepidation around his race, that there were those doing good and helping while others. We have 17 of them in our community, at one point I directed them to not share some of what was being transformed with others in their group, perhaps innocently shared, but some detail got to the wrong one. They are respectful, nature feels flat meaning little emotion.The topic Taner who is female chose: What My Race is Doing with Humans

Lord Jesus Christ

  • Lord Jesus Christ Divine Being, this will be our third interview with Jesus. He is loving respectful and has many helpful notions to share. We have asked each time “will you be returning to earth as a man”, and each time He says; no, I do not know. This confirms to me that God is the Master planner and even his glorious Son is not given every part of the plan.Jesus will be discussing Individual Responsibility versus Abdicating God-Given Rights

Camille Guardian Angel

  • Camille Guardian Angel says she is so honored to get the opportunity to chat with us. She has been part of our community for 16 years, more than most of our participants for sure. As we have been bringing back many guardian angels we are seeing changes happening. Camille will help us understand and adjust to these shifts and help us with our expectations as well since for a very long time we have expected and demanded much from the guardian angels.Her topic: Changing Roles with Guardian Angels

Darrel Pleiadean friend

  • Darrel Pleiadean friend has been supporting our community efforts for about 3 years. He will be giving us his perspective as a keen observer of the progression of humanity and the Pleiadean humans. He was in a human body on earth about 400 years ago, has an intention to learn from humanity especially in matters of Spirit.The topic Darrel Pleidean friend chose: Earth Realm and Spiritual Growth


Learn More About Grace Series 2

In the first Grace Series, our guests were:


Mother Mary

  • In this interview, we will receive guidance from Mother Mary on the state of humanity, what her mission is currently as well as find out what she has been doing with the guardians of the Divine Human Blueprint.

Archangel Gabriel (hour 1)
  • Gabriel has been a dear friend and helper specifically to our community. I have found him so helpful, willing, and even humorous. He can give us insight into the growing light brigade and helpful guidance for the progression of our path.
Pleadeian Guide (hour 2)
  • The Pleiadians have been with us since the formation of our human earthly existence. Our Pleiadian guide will share insights and knowledge specific to our community and to the world on how we might best meet the challenges ahead of us, what we might focus our attention on learning, and a historical recount of the relationship with humanity and Pleiadians

Lord Jesus Christ (3rd interview)

  • We have learned much from Lord Jesus who has been a true and loving friend and guide to our community for all these many years. Our 3rd interview will be a continuation of group questions from the previous programs on the mysteries of life and how we might move forward. we will learn how he and God are able to help in ways we might not have realized.

Archturian Guide
  • Help is here on especially the issue of nanotechnology and Morgellons, Our Archturian guide has many insights and directions on how to counter the use of internal technology that has been used to manipulate and control us. He will also share spiritual wisdom.

Archangel Rafael
  • In our session Rafael will share with us about love relationships and the deeper experience of companionship, as well he will work with us so that we may experience more consistent joy and help with healing spiritual issues.

Archangel Michael
  • Considered the Prince of the Heavenlies and a defeater of Satan, Michael will help us understand and be better equipped for the spiritual battles we are currently facing than the ones we will face ahead.