Forever 401: Returning to Your Original Blessing


March 7, 14, 21, 28, 2022
April 4,  2022
May 9, 16, 23, 2022
June 6, 20, 27, 2022
July 4, 11, 18, 2022

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Central



6 pay of $255/mo or 12 pay of $130/mo

Scholarship 1:
$750 or 6 pay of $128/mo or 12-pay $64/mo

Scholarship 2:
$500 or 6-pay of 85/mo or 12-pay of $43/mo

Cleaning out systems that aren’t God-given and restoring God’s blessing and God-given rights our incarnation experience to live as we were originally blessed and created to be.

In our recent research, we have discovered that much that has been developed and researched especially in the east as being part of us, are actually ad on’s and not from God, or a blessing to our system. You might look at this class as a big detox program clearing up much of what should not be there and is usurping the natural organic embodiment of very productive working systems.

Along with this program, it is highly recommended you do both the DNA removal program and the Chakra Removal program as these are key to returning to God’s original blessing.


Here’s what we are up to in your ~ 14 weekly ~ live clearing sessions

Mother Mary

Clearing 1: Aura Removal Clear Out

Turns out we do not need an aura, we need a quantum field. the aura is a mutable layered system of multiple colors, it is added in through the DNA and fully developed at age 12. Things can hang out in the aura, it does leave you susceptible to other people’s issues as the aura especially for the empathic personality is responsible for much of what you take on from others.

Archangel Gabriel

Clearing 2: Transform Puranic Breath to Original Breath of Life

The nature of puranic breath compulsive evil observing suppressing. This deviation away from the breath of life was done by Reptilian and is a program found in the DNA. the nature of this amalgamated charm cruel evil satanic suppressing. Breath of life on the other hand is the breath God breaths into you, Imagine the breath of the first human, and God breathed life into them and it was good.

Lord Jesus Christ

Clearing 3: Remove Human Spirit Access Portal Establishing Crown of Head and Heart 

For the in and out of spirit and remove cords in the head area. This as you look at it is actually a mechanism, it can get built up and be less and less functional. In past, I have taught how to clean it up so you can move in and out of body easier. the nature of this is damaging intertwined observing satanic suppressing The Psychic institute I trained with early on called it the genetic entity (implying DNA issues). Created by Reptilian

Archturina Guide

Clearing 4: Remove Meridian 1 & 11

Meridians were added 25,000 years ago. Some of the features do support life. I do not believe this was added with the intention of harming but rather a science experiment on humans. This system was added by Arcturian. It does not override anything else. the nature of these two meridians compulsive cruel delusion dominating harmful intolerant parasitical suppressing. Our choice is to return to how God created us.


Clearing 5: Remove Meridian 2 & 3

The nature of these two meridians: apathetic, damaging, delusion, disgust, enchantment, intertwined, obsessive, suppressing.

archangel Michael

Clearing 6: Remove Meridian 5, 6 & 7

The nature of these three meridians addictive, amalgamated, charm, controlling, cruel, delusion, enchantment, harmful, intolerant, obsessive, satanic, suppressing

Mother Mary

Clearing 7: Remove Meridian 4, 8, 9, 10 & 12

The nature of these four meridians; altering, apathetic, compulsive, damaging, delusion, enchantment, harmful, illusional, observing satanic suppressing

Archangel Gabriel

Clearing 8: Interacting Fields

These are fields that are not originating from God, but fields you come in contact with Etheric, Amplification, and Repel Barrier. Etheric was brought in by Pleiadean and is part of their organic nature, when they integrated into our population this as well amalgamated it is not completely useful for us. Repel barrier not to be mistaken for our Repel field, which is God originated in nature altering apathetic compulsive cruel suppressing. Amplification is the word we use in our supporting realms and is not the same as this amplification added by Arcturian in its nature is harmful to us as well satanic and suppressing and should be removed.

Lord Jesus Christ

Clearing 9: Establish Pillar, Engaged and Active

Pillar is a gift from God that most of the human population has not received, meaning it has been given but has remained a gift unopened in the package. Pillar is a joy, ascension tool given to humanity 30,000 years ago. God having compassion and love for us, seeing we were no longer in Joy wanted away for us to connect with Him and feel his presence. Once established it comes with you from life to life. Reading scripture, especially singing Songs to celebrate God opening pillar once established. Pillar is an energetic organ, starts at about the bottom of rib cage goes to the top of the skull. Is glowing blue and hollow.

Archturina Guide

Clearing 10: Presence: Disappearing the Trapped With Others Presences Occupying Your Space

This is about being the authority owner and influencer in embodiment. As another’s presence dominates your life, you may either be living out what they want you to do and be, or always preoccupied trying to get them out of your space and missing the point of your purpose and mission. Lucifer is behind this unnatural occupation.


Clearing 11: Neutralizing Physical Force Reestablishing the Full Function and Performance of Life Force

This energy comes from reptilians and overrides life force. When I look at this it looks like a shiny new toy, and we think it gives us the boost we need so we turn away from the gift of life force God installed during our creation. It is a mechanism for harvesting emotional energy that needs to be disappeared. The nature of physical force is altering, amalgamated, compulsive, cruel, delusion, disgust, enchantment, harmful, intolerant, obsessive, satanic, suppressing

archangel Michael

Clearing 12: Interacting Fields

These are fields that are not originating from God, but fields you come in contact with Joy, Quantum, Aura. Joy field came from the Archangels who intended for us to feel one with the joy of God, Joy aligned with God is stronger than this field so as we disappear this we will strengthen Joy with God- it was a lovely idea and at one time we may have needed it, but just like going to a priest to pray on your behalf and forgive you, it is a degree of separation from Gods love we no longer need. Quantum as an interacting field is not our quantum field but an overlay of other quantum fields in your space, the biggest issue is when interacting with other fields, their frequency and the speed of their vibration may be lower than yours significantly slowing the transformational work you are set on doing. the nature is amalgamated obsessive and suppressing and the effect should be disappeared. Aura we are addressing the aura we have which is directed from DNA which was not God developed, but this is the aura of others and how it affects you the nature of the interacting field aura is altering controlling damaging demonic dominating evil illusional obsessive satanic suppressing and will be neutralized.


Clearing 13: Silver Thread Removed

Added by Arcturians meant to help with light in body. For the most part, this attempt failed. Not to be confused with your golden thread which can be silver in color and is the connection of your spirit to the body, extremely necessary for life in the body. The silver thread runs along the nerves in the core of the body. Over time the nature has shifted from the idea of helpful to altering apathetic compulsive cruel observing parasitical suppressing.

archangel Michael

Clearing 14: Interacting Fields.

These are fields that are not originating from God, but fields you come in contact with: Facade, Light, Intention. The facade is the image of Essence (spirit) we show to others on an energetic level and heaven if someone is not a seer they get the impression of you. Although our pure facade is ours from God, the facade can be manipulated and altered by others, and the nature of this issue: amalgamated charm, enchantment, intertwined observing satanic. My facade is 98% pure, on a recent first date saying goodbye said he felt like he had just sat with an angel, that is facade when it is clean, radiates out the truth and God alignment. The interactive field of Light is from Rah and was an experiment this is what we see on our chart of interfering colors, for example, white light allows invasion from other spirits. The effect of the light field will be removed. The intention when we set helps us accomplish great works, quadrupling our results, but with an interactive intention field, it is more like a suppressing projection energy transference preventing you from actualizing using your own intention field. This is generated by other people.

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$1500 or 6-pay of $255/mo or 12-pay of $130/mo

Live Course

$1500 or 6-pay of $255/mo or 12-pay of $130/mo

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Live Course Scholarship 1

$750 or 6 pay of $128/mo or 12-pay $64/mo

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Live Course Scholarship 2

$500 or 6-pay of 85/mo or 12-pay of $43/mo

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Scholarship opportunity

If you are on a fixed income, or low income I am offering two scholarship opportunities, please choose an option that is best for you using the honor system.


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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations