Illumination (Xmas Special)

Available as Home Study

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for the Christmas Experience


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Experience Mystical the Christmas Holiday

The sounds and activities of the Christmas holiday will soon be upon us. As we prepare I felt compelled to share with you the beautiful progression of the lives of Jesus and Mary from an enlightened, awakened perspective.

You’ll have the precious experience of progressing through prayer, contemplation and discovery to experience the life and mission of Jesus and Mary. We’ll follow the path laid out by St. Dominic in the 1100’s who was said to have had divine revelation from Mother Mary to create the first Christian Rosary, so if you’ve prayed the Rosary before you’ll recognize the passages considered the most crucial to the teaching of Christ’s incarnation.

We’ll progress through the Joyful mysteries which tell us of the conception and birth as well as early life of Jesus. This will be followed by the Challenging Mysteries, the suffering and difficulties, all of which will be understood in a mystical light and we’ll finally move on to the Glorious Mysteries which tell of the ascension to heaven of both Jesus and later Mother Mary, who took their bodies with them when they left the earthly plan.

We’ll be singing celebratory songs from our Quantum Book of Songs as well as some favorite Christmas Carols, having time for meditation and reflection.

About the Illumination Rosary

The birth life and death of Lord Jesus was played out in the patriarchal era. This was an era of darkness and struggle. The rosary prayers came out of the 1100’s from St. Dominic, who sought to help a disenchanted Christian community to reconnect and experience the Mother blessings and the daily presence of Lord Jesus.

These prayers were repetitious in nature, progressing through 15 unique transits in the life of Christ and Mary, each followed by the same line up of prayer…the Hail Mary and Glory Be. I have, over a 15-year period, written a Rosary of Illumination set at the vibration of Christ Love, imbued with joy and a renewed and fresh understanding of the phases of the development of Jesus as the Son of Man and the Son of God.

On our Journey we all seek to awaken to that state and awareness of Unlimited love, divine connection and a state of miraculous rejuvenation. What is Christ’s era had to end in suffering and death, in this era of awakening we understand we are meant now to live hundreds of years, to grow and share our knowledge and spiritual gifts. In out new era, miracles are natural, wonderful and good.

We have begun to understand the Quantum field, which is the God vibration in everything and our ability and our right to live in higher realms of consciousness and greater states of health, love and fulfillment.

Making sense of the old ways and awakening to the new, need not be a ‘disconnect’ with your own past. If you were raised with the Rosary, or raised to repeat a prayer or mantra, you will love this experience.

The power of repetitive prayer is to clear away negative programs and entities. Ever notice how refreshed you feel after practicing mantra or rosary? Every religion has some form of this.

Please join me in the Christmas experience
and feel for yourself the Sacred Awakening of Illumination

Thank you for creating the transcendent “ILLUMINATIONS ” series. I was raised catholic, attended catholic young woman’s college, College of Notre Dame ( now a co-ed University), in Belmont Calif. served as Sodality prefect. I used to lead students in recitation of the rosary. Also. as a child and all through my life when I was in Santa Cruz, my hometown, my parents and I would kneel down together in my parent’s bedroom and recite the rosary in Latin. ( mom and dad were from a small village in la provincia di’ Sondrio. I was conceived in Italia, born in Santa Cruz. )My dad served mass in our parish church in Capitola. He also served Mass for the Poor Clare sisters, a cloistered order…also cared for their garden.As time went on ( perhaps my junior year in college), I became aware of the enormous guilt enmeshed in Catholicism, and later tuned in to the sexism, and Authoritarianism wielded to keep control of the flock. I stopped attending Mass, but have continued praying, reciting the rosary in Latin, and if I did say it in English left out and modified the parts that referred to us as subservient sinners. Illuminations is such a blessing!!! It reunites my deep need for communion with Jesus Christ and Mother Mary. THANK YOU!!


Wow I feel quite a transformation taking place! I am letting go of gloom, darkness and heaviness from my space and am starting to feel more bright and energetic. I even am doing an exercise session this morning YEAH! I love your gifts and divine care, I know this is also in me as well. Joyous love to you


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If you’d like to get yourself the physical prayer books click here.
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Get the full Illumination downloads ebooks, music and recorded rosary and photos of Jesus and Mary by visiting the Illumination page here.


Illumination Prayer Book

3-hours of Illumination Training

Training One

Part 1

We enjoy the Joyous Mysteries, which celebrates the Magic of the Christmas story and birth, and early life of Jesus. We’ll take time in each training to clear the blocks for each of the 5 areas covered in the rosary for the day. Religious oppression, being able to step into spiritual power over come spiritual obstacles, able to stay alert and connected despite challenges.

Training Two

Part 2

We go through the Challenging Mysteries, which takes us through the difficult phases of the illuminated one and gives us courage to transmute our own challenges. Enjoy the rhythmic chant of the rosary along with the deep clearings and chant as we draw our connection to the holy parts of us and learn about our own passage, as we move through the sacred life of Jesus and Mary.

Training Three

Part 3

Right before Easter morn we go through the Glorious Mysteries and celebrate the Resurrection and Ascension. The mystery of ascension taking the body with you and leaving no earthly remains is possible even now. clearings for unbelief and ability right and permission to be one of the holy ones living here and now enjoying the greatest level of connection in this final part of the Illumination revelation.

The live experience is filled with loving presence and deepening understandings, as you recite the Illumined rosary set at Christ consciousness you awaken the bliss hidden in your cells and in the blessings that come from Divine Connection! Singing included!

I AM SO UTTERLY THANK FUL AND DEEPLY GRATEFUL for you shine your Light on me and help me so much to achieve my dreams and shine my divine Light unto others too….tears are close…


Wow! I felt such a release especially around pleasure. I realize that I have been living in a pattern of sadness, loss and in such a low vibration for so very long. I am experiencing a good kind of crying. I guess it’s the recognition of letting all the heartache go and giving myself permission to feel pleasure again. Thank you so much~



Yes! Count me in.

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Home Study

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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations


from the Chat Box:

Seval: First time in weeks I felt peace and love, so grateful. Thank you

Fillipp: I feel very in deep peace and love. Thank you I’m so grateful

Jacquie: Beautiful experience joy-filled tears tears, love to all thank you Julie Renee xxx

Shelley: So much release of energy from my legs and knees from past lives of terrible trauma. My left knee is bending more than before. Thank you my dear Julie Renee!!

Seval: I released a lot during the prayer, especially from the back my head but now I feel a deeper connection to the divine and I am in peace and love! Thank you so much!

Tom: I’ve enjoyed this rosary with Julie many times before in many classes. This is the first time that my heart really opened to a much deeper meaning. I feel that in my transition to my Quantum Activation practice, this will be come part of my personal daily practice. Thank you Julie.

Dale: I was a little upset with myself that I fell asleep during the rosary. I get really sleepy this time of day. But I feel so tingly now – don’t feel I missed out!

Katherine: That was my first time praying the rosary and I didn’t realize it was so long.

Johannah: Thank you for this excellent program, I am so grateful to be with you all. very powerful, I feel tingling in third eye & crown. Your voice is clear, most powerful I feel freedom & Peace as well as feeling expanded & light. Thank you!

Glen: I was touched by your Mary story and I now feel calm.

Amy: I feel a great sense of calm

Karen: peaceful and grateful

George: Yes! Beautiful voice carrying ur Love Sister Julie.. .. Thanks very much….Enjoy! Beautiful and fun.

Carole: This felt sacred, beautiful, peaceful and connected to me. Thank you so much. I hope we continue to do this together at this time for many years to come

Nettie: calm and hopeful to a good gatherings with family ahead., having fun too beautiful!

Pennymay: I feel calm and light.

Tamanna: I felt my heart opening towards the end, beautiful.

Kathleen Lou: I am having a lot of feelings come up and out. Releasing and tears.

Louisa: Julie, exceptional explanation of Karma & what a Rosary is and means…and repetitive prayers 🙂 Beautiful & moving perspective. Thank you.

Jacquie: Have only experienced doing your rosary and I love the way it makes me feel.

Paula: I play the Illumination audios on repeat in my house and it helps me keep my house energy positive in spite of the negativity which is plenty around me given the geographical area I live in.

Katherine: I just love, love, love that you say Mother & Father God.

Karen: Thank you for the explanation of the clearing and Rosary. It is beautiful!

Julie C: I felt a lot of resentment and anger leaving me in the clears and a violent image appeared. That is the first time I actually FELT the rosary ever! Thank you for so much!

Karen: Thank you for the rosary prays. It was the first time in a long time. I loved it very much. Lovely.

Elena: I am Orthodox Christian we don’t have Rosary, but we have repetitive prayer too. After my dear grandmother died, in her honor, I attended the first Saturday of the month (for a number of years) several times to pray the rosary with a group who prayed the rosary together. I still recall the peacefulness I experienced from the aura of a parishioner who had been praying the rosary for years…what a gift! I am very new to prayer, thank you very much for this amazing was intended for us from the beginning. So loving & inclusive! I have all of 5 minutes for forgiveness of my past this prayer seems very clearing and purifying. Thank you for this experience. I needed it big time! I calm and forgiveness for myself and for the experience my soul has chosen.

Albert: I like it that you call the sorrowful mysteries the challenging mysteries. It seems more manageable and empowering. I’m experiencing tingling. We are clearing the chart without pumping but only by praying the rosary this mean that we can pray the rosary as an alternative to pumping to clear? Yes!

Tina: Calm and serene, Thank you for this class. It was a great initiation for my book that I bought a while ago