Angels as Helpers

Home Study

Cost: $197

Angels as Helpers


Beloved students, in our month of spiritual awareness and awakening, we’ve carved out a very special spot for a training whose time has come! There’s been a steady and consistent request to understand our helpers, the angels from our community, and in response, we’ll all be looking into and researching the Angelic Community in this ‘Angels as Helpers Training’.

As with all our trainings we’ll look throughout conventional book knowledge and research for our self to understand the relationship angels enjoy with humans, the different kinds of angels and how to access fully their gifts and divine help.

We’ll be asking important questions: How are they related to the one known as father God? Why do they willingly and lovingly stand in service of the advancement and aid of humans? Are they all helpful?

As with interferences we’ll give them a designation, our interferences run to the number 19, beyond 19 we see a level of helpers, guides and wise ones.

From my early research, I see four different kinds that are called angels below 19, these will be looked at for their helpful and challenging aspects. As I look today I see 11 above the number 19 which would make them of higher love wisdom, and potential help, though not all angels are involved with humanity. We’ll look at the concept of wings, and music, instruments and singing, are they all musical? Is there a special transmission that happens with angelic music? Why are they able to tune into our prayers? Are they partners with father God? Angels or winged helpers from other traditions, are they from the same groups or unique to different religions and cultures?

We’ll do charting on the angels, as well as a clearing chart for being receptive to their help and clear out those not helpful that may have anchored into us on some level.

Since angels can incarnate in a human body multiple times, we’ll looked into what changes for them when they incarnate, which of them can incarnate, and if they can than after a time return to the angelic realm or if they have shifted into the human realm as a result of living as a human.

I’ve noticed there are many who teach about angels, but this is not a traditional angel class. If you want that pop onto the internet search angel teaching. In this training we’ll be looking at what we can see through pure truth and pure love, what is really there, not legend and fable but what we can see, envision and document.

Don’t get me wrong I love legend, and you’ll enjoy my stories and recounting tales of angelic intervention during the training, but please know this is our version and style of what’s really going on, no sugar coating, just the loving examination of angels.

Training One – Clearing of all interferences and programs blocking the receptivity of divine help from angels, as we as removing angels in the lower frequencies who are not helpful. being able to receive angelic helpful. Beginning the chart of 15, mapping the first 4 angels (ones I the lowest frequencies)

Training Two – Helper on the physical plain, next group of 4 types of angels, we’ll identify where they are from, if they are ones who help us, or other activities they may do, are they winged? Are they androgynous? Do they live in our dimension? Do they have a place in our history? I’ll tell my angel story of one who came to me during a death experience and helped me.

Training Three – Part 1 – More angels! The next grouping of 4 types of angles, they role and purpose here. How did they come to be with us, are we related to angels? We’ll continue to answer the questions in previous training’s and explore these higher vibration angels and Golden legion!

Training Three – Part 2 – Let the heavens sing, trumpet, angel voices, and the final 3 types of angels I’ll share my stories of angel voices coming through at the basilicas of St Marys for a rare and glorious uplifting healing! From paralyzed vocal cords to angelic song in the presence of mother Mary and the angels, we shocked and started those who ran the cathedral!

Never before have we looked into our helpers! It’s time to enjoy so fun and revelationary connection in a warm loving celebration of that which is wonderful and good in life, and already working!

Support Meditations

I am Loved

This is a beautiful and soothing meditation that will bring you back to the place where you feel completely loved, cherished and understood as a human being. It is the sweet reminder and clearing out of all that is not love in your field.


  • Being surrounded in the pink pleasure field of love
  • Undergo a separation release of all that blocks you from a sense of love
  • Refreshing your self view cherished loved and inner confidence
  • Discovering the source of love that is in YOU!
  • Initiating a Mudra for self-love and self-affinity
  • Bringing forth the affirmation of I love, trust and express my unique self

This is the time to clear away the self-doubt, disconnect and fall back in love with you. This amazing guided meditation will tell you how to meditate properly and to receive love in return. By letting go, you will be guided towards releasing those blocks to full restoration and arrive at being your best self!

Quantum Bliss

When was the last time you were in absolute and glorious bliss? Have you been distracted from one of the greatest pleasures humankind is meant to experience on a daily basis? Quantum Bliss reminds you who you are and that your Divine birthright is to feel joyously blissful everyday.


  • Ground and Clear Body and Aura
  • Golden Temple Of Silence Becomes Golden and Silent
  • Quantum Pleasure Field Permeating YOU ~With Joy Love and Happiness
  • Bliss Infusing Your Body Being and Bones
  • The Pleasure Focus Technique
  • Universal Bliss and Connection

When Bliss is made to become your priority everyday, everything else in life flows effortlessly. Glide through the ups and downs of life while constantly retreating into a world of Quantum Bliss so you feel better than you ever thought possible.

Quantum Magic

Have you lost the sparkle and sense of awe and wonder in your daily life? Would you like to reconnect with the feeling that the power of magic is at your fingertips and life’s an adventure just waiting to be explored? Quantum Magic brings you back to the space of co-creation and blissful anticipation.


  • Receptivity Tune-up to Quantum Pleasure Field and Quantum Magic
  • Undertaking a Clean UP and a Clear OUT
  • Hallo Expansion Into Quantum Mind
  • Magic Afoot Amplification of all that is good
  • Connection to a larger oneness to feel joyful and blessed
  • Standing in your power
Fully ignited and ready for magic, this meditation delivers all the goods. If you want to feel vibrant, alive and fully connected with the quantum field of bliss and pleasure, you will definitely want to plug into this meditation today and as often as you can.

Introducing Your Teachers

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations

Adelia Rose is daughter to Julie Renee and her teaching helper. Adelia is a beloved part of our trainings, and brings both purity and helpful angels to our teachings. She has the right, permission and ability to be seen and heard, and helps our attendees feel more love, and more permission to be themselves fully expressed even if they didn’t get what they needed in their own childhood. Focusing on you and not baby sounds is great advice if you’re easily distracted.

And they were bringing even their babies to Him so that He would touch them, but when the disciples saw it, they began rebuking them. But Jesus called for them, saying, “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”

Luke 18:15-17

Joined by Adelia Rose Doering, TA, Youngest Diamond Immersion Graduate at 7 weeks old.

Yes! Count me in.

Only $197

Home Study

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from the Chat Box:

Dale: I have a feeling this class is going to be life-changing for me.

Amy: So gorgeous and amazing Julie Renee thanks for sharing!

Trinity: I felt tingles when you sang like an angel. I loved this class so much.

Nettie: Thank you Julie also for the meditation. Very good for me right now 🙂 Thank you for yes a beautiful class!

Anneli: Thank you very much for the wonderful angel class!

Karen: Enjoyed the Angel Class and enjoyed sharing class with Adelia today. It was awesome and very fun. Have a wonderful rest of the day.

Trinity: I felt SO much in the meditation physically and a new connection, much easier to feel them.

Karen: Thank you for the beautiful angel class. Feels like Im may be the only human with angels all around me from class.

Colleen Madonna: I love what you are sharing its resonating deep in my soul Thank you.

Nettie: I guess I hadn’t heard you speak much on angels (kinda new) so I guess I really wanted from this class to know your thoughts on angels and find it very heart warming!

Karen: Thank you for taking the time for the angel count. It is fun to know.

Petra Sofia: I am so thankful you are answering our questions, no body else could really give us this information.

Colleen Madonna: Wow profound meditation Julie Thank you.