Ascension 2020

Available as home study


One-Time Payment of $500
or 10 payments of $55


In the past you may have heard me say I did not want you to follow those who were peddling an ascension program. When I would hear about and check into these programs, they felt like to old manipulation of various religions who would sell you on a path to heaven’s door. After a year of clearing folks off me who had been taught to overlay themselves on my and acquire my skill set, taught my one of these so-called ascension teachers, I’d had enough ascension talk and mis guided training for a lifetime.

You may wonder: why am I now talking about ascension? How is what I will mentor you in different than previous ‘teachers”?

As we have seen in our community over the recent weeks there are many nefarious dark influences on humankind. Some of them, many of them are walking around in human bodies living double lives. These folks have deception mastered at the highest level and have done all of us a great disservice and harmed our process of spiritual growth and ascension.

For many years I have had the blueprint for a life in balance. There is a 12-week course to follow, you can get it for as little as $7.97 on our website, and it is wonderful. This however is not what we are going to address. We are going to work all aspects I am able to discover that have not only curtailed our individual spiritual growth and fulfilling our potential, but also those items that have stopped our evolution.

The latest alternative news shows lots of implants becoming available, from a bank chip in your wrist so you can pay for your groceries to an implant in your neo cortex so you can interface with your computer from your mind. There are now legal marriages to AI’s, people choosing to raise AI children rather than real ones, and an AI recent took a citizenship test and became a member of a country legally. This is the wrong way to go…so the wrong way to go. What we turn over to technology we lose organically. Meaning if you don’t use your quantum gifts you likely lose them.

In our program we are both neutralizing the dark influences as well as clearing and resetting the path to an expanded ascension. I’ll be doing corrections each meeting in the Divine Human Blueprint and in your original blueprints as well as your DNA programing. First its course correction and repair, and then we will move forward to a life of greater ascension potential. Right now, that may be unimaginable, a Divinely Driven purpose filled evolving experience of embodiment but trust me there is more than you or I have experienced so far.



What did the first ascension 2020 program activation feel like to the participants?


✔ Incredible!  ~Joyce

✔ I feel so light now.  ~ Jenna M

✔ I feel as if a barrier has been removed. ~ Albert

✔ Getting lighter and more present. ~ Patrick

✔ Feel lighter, felt things release with chills and some tears. ~ Lisa

✔ Much more clarity in my thought process. ~Carole

✔ I feel much more present. ~ Connie

✔ I feel much lighter. ~ Chantal

✔ I feel like I could fly!  ~Trinity

✔ Wow! I’m amazed! ~Sue Lorraine

✔ I feel great, I feel like singing. ~Christine

✔ Pumping is more synchronized and rapid. Experiencing long, drawn out yawns, this signifies deep release and switching. ~Mary Ellen


Here’s what we are up to in our
12 Shifts:

Shift One: Ascensions Open Door – Was your life built for full self-expression, discipline and order? When it is properly aligned this leads to an evolving expansion of the self. Not only love wisdom expands, but discernment, awareness and right action. In our first session together we’ll be up leveling set points focused on your Individual Soul and your Embodiment which is the aspect of the Blueprint. This will include important DNA and telomere up leveling. How well have you been able to live into your embodiment? What are the possibilities you may have dreamed about but not been able to do on your own? In session one we open the door to your Embodied Ascension.

Shift Two: Strengthening Presence and Spiritual Rule – Shutting down and neutralizing the dark influences in your life affecting your ability to ascend in a powerful way, addressing demonic and satanic ritual. Addressing any misunderstandings, you may have about Gods love for you and realigning with full love and support of the Divine. God is not mad at you. You are not being punished, whatever humans have said to you they are wrong you are loved, forgiven and blessed. Extricating self from ‘Religion’ with primoradial controls. Cleaning house: clearing the slate of former wrong doings and offenses, karmic obligation up shifting to divinely blessed living.

Shift Three: On My Watch: Ownership Creates a Path to Freedom – Have you felt the pain of awakening to the knowledge of darkness around you? Or have you often matched it not knowing there was a way to learn about these issues that had been hidden from you, without matching or going into the darkness. Why have we as the guardians of humanity been blinded with delusion and deception to the evil happening on earth? If you don’t see it, you can do very little to stop it. If, however you see it, claim it as your responsibility, in other words assign no blame, you and we together have the full power to neutralize it and disappear it. It may not be over night, but as we have seen with some of the particularly troublesome spiritual interferences, we addressed over 12 years, they’re completely gone. You’ll take a huge leap in your spiritual ownership of what happening around you as well as disappear the locks that have kept you blinded. It’s our watch, we are embodied right now. We have the power to change things toward the good and the light.

Shift Four: Revelation Verses Prophecy – First thing we need to deal with here is how to integrate the energies and information coming through. Many have healthy nervous systems but find themselves unable to integrate all the new information. A sign of this is exhaustion, falling asleep unexpectedly, more pain in the body, sorrow, confusion, fatigue. We’ve got some things right now happening that look pretty apocalyptic. I know some of our gifted seers in the community are getting downloads and visions they are not able to handle at the rate they are coming. We’ll look and reset our interpretations centers to both handle and understand what to do with the information that comes from revelation. It’s also important to understand prophecy can be changed. What is found in religious text is the expected future, not the absolute future. See fearlessly and own your knowing.

Shift Five: DNA Authority: 36 Energies Coming at You How to Navigate – As I sit here expecting to test for 5 or 6 energies on the planet right now, I get my own surprise, there are 36 energies currently being used. If you’ve felt pretty discombobulated and wondered what was that I just lost my grounding or my authority, there is good reason for this phenomenon. We’re going to work to unplug from the force intention and manipulations of these many energies and build a certainty and solid foundation with the quantum energies that are aligned with evolving love wisdom. I have just begun to explore this, seeing the primordial energies have been used so much by the demonic forces, and now we look to see, what is going on and how to stay grounded, owning our thoughts, with a health light of cell and healthy light of spirit. We’re working this primarily through Your DNA, shifting your response to all this energy, neutralizing their negative effects and regaining your authority.

Shift Six: Experiencing Divine Mind Alignment – We’ve begun to experiment in classes with the great invocation and the experience of God energies flowing from our established energy systems out into the world blessing both our bodies and all of humankind. In a recent Mastery Class Archangel Gabriel, Lord Jesus and Father God were present to assist in guiding me in what was possible that humans have not done yet, in getting the energeias out of the lower aspects and aligning with the Divine. “From the center which we call the race of humanity Let the Divine realm of higher consciousness be embodied and fulfilled.” For the first time we used the Kundalini channels as a vehicle for Gods energy and the results were magical to say the least. As we neutralize match, collapse and entitlements to expand into God consciousness well ask for help and trust in the shifts we are creating knowing we are moving to a greater experience in our ascension path.

Shift Seven: Light in the Darkness Resetting for Highest Self Expression and Action – It is unresolvable to think we need or should be perfect. We are fallible we goof up and go down the wrong path from time to time, but are we 100% on our path? Are we 100% committed to the evolving journey of expanded consciousness and the aid and shepherding of the younger beings inhabiting earth, who have not yet gained the wisdom we hold. Where are you now? Have you rededicated your life and journey to working wonders in your life and the ones around you? Have you made the strong commitment to expand in love wisdom and live beyond what was preset for you in this incarnation?

Shift Eight: Standing Strong with Those Doing, Delivering and Being GOOD – Did you suspect your DNA was manipulated for aligning with others to be a force for change? Have you at times made a guess, aligned with a group, for example a recent group prayer, only to find out the leaders were not pure in their intentions and the prayer, as well as the time and you good energy were hijacked to some unknown other purpose? There’s a strong issue in our DNA needing to be rest and repaired. Trusting those who are aligned with good and neutralizing the disturbances caused by those who are misguided and haven’t yet made the choice for pure evolving. Are you able to discern and to trust your inner guidance for who is truth? I prophesied this 30 years ago, a time would come when we would see the truth. Folks who were helping and honest would become the leaders the veil of illusion would fall away, and we would no longer be seduced by wealth and power but would see clearly goodness! We are at the precious of this shift.

Shift Nine: Give to Cesar: Land & Governance Freedom To Be – How to give respect and what is due to the governing and land dominance factors without losing your right and ability as well as permission to ascend, expand and live more fully free. How do we stay right with our governing bodies and loosen or neutralize the negative effects of land entitlements? In Session 9, we free our self from imposed suffering and controls, while not ‘fighting’ the system. Neutralizing negative effects that are affecting your development and expansion focusing on stepping freely into your next period knowing who you are, what you stand for and how you intend to move forward without the weight of these dark and dominating influences.

Shift Ten: Secret Language Decoder: Powerful Communication Styles Currently Used on Earth – There are different types of communication and language used based on the energy systems you are using and most familiar with. In our 10th session we’ll explore and more deeply invest our self into the evolving Quantum Communication directive. For example, all sales and marketing communications are based on seduction and an intention to overpower or convert the mind invest in what is being sold. In our Academy we use enrollment. Enrollment is an invitation not a seduction and is a good example of quantum communication. Quantum communication is built on honesty and a desire or intention to offer what is needed to those what are able to say yes and fully experience the benefits of for example a program. Quantum Communication is based on Love wisdom and evolving. It has thoughtfulness and care for the one receiving it as the main focus.

Shift Eleven: Embodiment the Powerful Choice to Be Here – As we look at ascension, we must address the power and force we bring into this life and this incarnation. Our intention to expand, experience the fullness life has to offer recognizing as we fully release that which is not us, we can evolve into more than the contain we were born into, more than the predestined limitations expected of humankind in this era. Neutralizing past influences that cause your strong connection to your physical life to weaken overturning stories about your history that have embedded in how far you can expand based on how far you can forgive. Getting out of the villain, victim, savior dichotomy and into free blamelessness for the past, and unhooking neutralizing the impact of your stories and who you have said you are. Changing your story so you are no longer referencing yourself by what you survived and the worst things you have overcome to defining yourself by the transformations and miracles, the contribution and value you have brought to life and humanity.

Shift Twelve: United in Guardianship: Brother’s keeper – When we can embrace that we are the wise elders and guardians of the peoples, we can serve in a much greater capacity and strength in the transformation of all of human history. Can everyone one be redeemed? I do not know, and I am not God making those choices, I am here to guide the way to a loving path of cleansing of spirit emotion and history so that we might live free and love rightly. How can you take on caring for humankind? Perhaps it is in your thoughts and prayers, your clearings and intention. Maybe it is in your work, your outer actions the volunteer work and financial support you provide to the good and true organizations and folks who need a hand up. My Uncle Bob used his retirement as an engineer to help a village in Africa first build a sustainable well and next build the machinery needed to plant harvest and process peanuts so the village could be self-sustaining. He did this in his 70’s and 80’s and just recently passed. W each have come in with gifts, these gifts when used help us evolve. Clearing anything that stops you from stepping into using your gifts full on to benefit humankind knowing you will benefit 1000 fold for the good works you do when fully engaged in serving humanity.

Supporting Materials


Kundalini Fine Tuning Practice – 3 times a day 5 minute practice guide for most Activating Kundalini 3 times daily will do wonders for individuals spiritual ascension and joy in body. Your incarnation is enhanced and advanced by thus thrice daily practice.




The Great Invocation High frequency activation – Using the great invocation as a foundational opening we open energy channels of all chakras and the kundalini track as we light up our bodies with light love and power and learn to access and deliver clean God energies to those around us for blessings and upliftment.



Joyous Mysteries – Connecting with Divine energy and Mother Mary was one of the many topics we discuss in session 2. I hope you will enjoy the Joyful Mysteries Recording and prayers which are an updated version of the ancient Rosary brought in in the 1100″s originally by St Dominic.





Guided Imagery for Aura – 9 minute guided meditation to make your aura your own to protect, energize, and keep you clean and safe





Yes! Count me in.

One-Time Payment of $500 or 10 payments of $55


Home Study

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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations