Blueprint Realms

December 8, 15, 22, 2020
9:30 am PT

Cost: $197

Genesis, Embodiment, Quantum and Amplification.

Genesis, Embodiment, Quantum and Amplification. Are they working for you at 100%?They could be! As I muscle test the efficiency for our community of the supporting realms I find we’ve really missed an important aspect of our vibrancy and full self expression by overlooking tuning each of these areas to 100% for function in this incarnation here and now.

I test for our community participants:

Genesis only 9% — That means we’re missing out on 91% of what it can do for us. Remember this is the realm that supports cell regeneration!

Embodiment 22% — what we think of as soul support the incarnation spirit in body, imagine what this would actually feel like if it were at 100%.

Quantum 90% — Yippie! We use the field, we fine-tune ourselves and all our quantum tools and look we’re doing great, but there is still more to go!

Amplification 11% — and this is the law of attraction field, so if you’re wanting to manifest more love, money, health, friendships, virtually everything imagine having this not at a low 11% but zooming to 100%

All 4 supporting realms will be covered in this 4-hour training. We’ll be looking at how and why these realms are in service and support to our human experience and how best clear what interferes with us not being at 100% in all these areas. And learn how to nurture and invite more support and full function from each of these realms tp your life and full self expression.

Although we’ve broached these areas briefly in other classes, this will be the most complete exploration to date of these areas – areas that provide your life in a body with all it needs to thrive and flourish.

In our 4-part training we’ll do a deep dive into the purpose and function of each realm, how it supports each of the 4 parts of the blueprint and what interferences and anchors tend to cause the most problems with the delivery of support from the realm to your main parts of your blueprint:

  • Perception (emotions and and thoughts plus)
  • Essence (your spirit and spirit life)
  • Matter (your physical body) and
  • Energy (supportive mechanisms and features of an energetic nature related to your body)

This is going to be one of the best ever, first time, game changer classes in recorded history! I promise you your life will be different and better in subtle and not so subtle ways, and I feel this is a must-attend program you just don’t want to miss out on!

Here’s what we’ll cover in our 4 trainings:

Planet Earth and Sun

Training One – The Realm Of Genesis – How the New Becomes Real

We’ll be looking at form and function of the genesis factor, identifying just exactly how it functions where it moves and clearing to activate 100% use and performance from this miraculous realm

yoga exercise

Training Two – The Field of Embodiment: Your Soul in Action

We’ll especially be tuning into what prevents you from fully owning and embracing your life in the here and now and going for your best life by being yourself. There’s much that interferes with embodiment, matter holding and support the experience of essence. We’ll clear and activate as well as retrieve and rebuild this vital field supporting the most important union of your life, that of your spirit with your body.

Abstract science, hands holding atomic particle, nuclear energy imagery and network connection on dark background.

Training Three – Quantum Magic: Your Field of Full on Transformation

It’s amazing to see what we’ve done with our participants, the average person who has no experience with our trainings is accessing about 7%, not us. With classes like Mastering the Quantum Pump and Clearing Statements we keep improving our access. In this class we’ll do a rock solid clearing chart for more! We’ll also explore how to keep our field and miracles for us, removing invaders, usurpers and parasitical beings who seek to steal from our blessings.

Abstract Wavy Hexagonal Technology Background

Training Four – More than Just Ripples in a Pond: Amplification Your Realm of Fulfillment

I’m super psyched about our grand finale as we open to greater and more potential in wealth, love and virtually everything. Clearing up to 100% access and efficiency in our amplification field I can only imagine what the results for our 21-day Accelerate Wealth students will be after this incredible clearing and restoration of the field to fully support your life in present time!

Support Materials

Businessman touching global networking data online

Understanding Your Blueprint Realms 2018 Chart

…..Genesis The realm of new, of creation Dynamic vibrant fresh pleasure Genesis works with Vibration, structure and form, and although it appears something comes from nothing genesis provides the divine spark of new creation, just like rubbing two stones together the spark in there in the action….5 powerful pages examining what we know so far about how the realms work.

The concept is the global financial system principle.

4 new 2020

Clearing Charts

These charts will have the 4 realms with a special focus on 100% access to form and function supporting your 100% amazing life!


Stem Cell Viral Attack

Genesis New Life

This is an inspiring breakthrough in cell regeneration technique, which is now defined and imagined for you in this easy-to-follow rapid cell re-growth meditation. If you’ve longed to refresh those aging and sick cells, use this meditation to kick start your cell regeneration process and to embrace a new and vibrant life.


  • The ‘How To’ of Cell Regeneration – Cellular Neo Genesis made simple
  • Connecting to Stem Cell – Master Cell
  • Restoring new life with the human blueprint and Quantum Pleasure Field
  • Energizing and raising your energy levels to the vibration of regeneration
  • Demonstrating a cascade of new cell growth with Mitochondria
  • Aligning your cellular body to be a part of your purpose and reason for being

This quick, time-efficient guided imagery is groundbreaking. It will successfully lead you through the steps of cell regeneration.This is the exact technique used to re-grow the brain and those body glands and organs as featured in the medical miracle page of our website.

Dreamy girl on beach

Owning Your Body

Do you sometimes feel like this is not my body? Are you wondering if you will ever feel in control of your body again? Being connected to and owning your body is essential when striving for a 100% fully self-expressed life. The life you imagine can ultimately be yours when you truly own and love your body, which is your temple. But you need to be in the present time.


  • Kicking out squatters – that which is NOT ME
  • Moving towards a male and female release – healing projects and aggression
  • Creating a center of head clear out
  • Creating the rainbow aura
  • A reconnection with your legs
  • Learning to click in your Spirit To Body

Do you currently have a beautiful connection with your body? Loving your body is the true path to healing and getting back into a wonderful world of action and even excitement. If you have felt disconnected from your body or been left sitting on the sidelines when it comes to self-love, use this meditation and experience a breakthrough now. Say it now – I own my body!

Quantum Bliss

Quantum Bliss

When was the last time you were in absolute and glorious bliss? Have you been distracted from one of the greatest pleasures humankind is meant to experience on a daily basis? Quantum Bliss reminds you who you are and that your Divine birthright is to feel joyously blissful everyday.


  • Ground and Clear Body and Aura
  • Golden Temple Of Silence Becomes Golden and Silent
  • Quantum Pleasure Field Permeating YOU ~ With Joy Love and Happiness
  • Bliss Infusing Your Body Being and Bones
  • The Pleasure Focus Technique
  • Universal Bliss and Connection

When Bliss is made to become your priority everyday, everything else in life flows effortlessly. Glide through the ups and downs of life while constantly retreating into a world of Quantum Bliss so you feel better than you ever thought possible.

Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap

Are you ready for your next Quantum Leap? Quantum shifts are accelerated with this amazing meditation in the areas of business, love and health. Let’s bring balance and celebration into your vision for the next big breakthrough! All things are truly possible.


  • Balancing your mental body back to 100%
  • View screen Breakthrough Visions
  • Releasing blocks to shift
  • Explore the Quantum Field of possibility
  • Being fully supported in the field of grace

Remember, total fulfillment begins in the mind. What you vividly imagine is amplified by these powerful quantum field techniques and will become real. Creating a magnetic pull towards you for that which you seek becomes a manifested reality with this outstanding quantum shifter.

Yes! Count me in.

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December 2020: Ignite or Activate

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Home Study


Study at your own pace, anytime, anywhere.

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Invite Your Friends to Join this Training!


Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations


From the Chat Box

Shirley: Lots going on around my head & chest. Emotions coming up when I read frequencies – G14 Horror. My back just snapped or clicked in a couple places something heavy shifting in my chest.

Carole: I’m feeling lighter and like a breath of fresh air went thru. Feel a lot of fog clearing from around my head. Thank you so much! This was phenomenal!

Dale: Thank you for this incredible opening for transformation for all of us!

Simone: Tingles running up and down my arms and legs.

Ilme: Feeling cold. Thank you for the improvements you have just made!

Carole: I felt a tremendous difference after last week! I so appreciate this!! I felt more in my body, more capable and a lot of thinking “I can” and that is new. Had improvement in nourishment too! Feel a re-alignment physically I feel clearer, lighter and more energized.

Susan H: I have been more organized and focused I feel miracles in the process! Can’t wait for tomorrow.

Daniela: Very similar to what you described: the feeling that I had to rush through the day to get enough done was gone, very calm, very focused.

Martha: I feel more internally connected somehow.

Anita R: I do work at home faster, an it is not a burden as much as before.

Callie: I am embracing sovereignty. I have more accomplishments with less effort.

Nettie: Pumping time is more effective and quicker.

Lisa M: Feel movement in my head as well.

Paula: I am accomplishing things with less effort.

Jenna: I’ve been feeling like I can get more accomplished with less effort.

Martha: just got one big humongous shiver – good thing!

Pam: lots of tingling around my head, golden rings.

Callie: Wow is empowering I felt tingling at some point while you were busy with the blueprint.

Donald: The pain cloud has lifted and I’m now more present. feeling stronger want to celebrate it.

Albert: The pressure in my head is dissipating.

Julie C: I could feel something melting away from my head.

Carmen: I feel more focused, have more energy. I noticed people just looking at me. I feel more comfortable in my own skin. Happier, peaceful and loving. I am so grateful for this class, thank you Julie.

Julie C: Its easier to ground into my body and my head feels better is the best description. Clearer

Arkady: I feel stronger.

Dale: Getting insights more quickly Thank you so so much for all your work and efforts. We are so fortunate to be part of this!

Martha: Go Julie go Julie! I am so honored to be part of the group supporting your work in the blueprint.


Johannah: Dear Jules. Thank you. I feel energized. Thank you for all the work that you do for us. Looking forward to celebrating your birthday tomorrow.. You truly are a gift to all of us and the world. Abundant blessings & love.

Andrea: Thank you Julie for all your offerings with integrity and love. It is my birthday today so we are almost birthday mates!

Cindy: Great Class! Thank You! Feel much better after this class!