Goddess Rejuvenation


January 6, 13, 20, 27, 2022

9:30 am – 11:30 am Central


Only $137

2 pay of $70 / 3 pay of $47 / 4 pay of $36


Goddess Rejuvenation: Restore, Repair & Rebuild Your Inner Sanctuary

When was the last time you dressed as the goddess you are? I’m asking this because I want to know, do you feel gorgeous, and radiant, and ready for fun? Do your clothing choices, how you dress signal to the world how you feel on the inside?
So of course, this class is about what’s on the inside, but I know there’s a correlation between what you wear to how you feel. This new Goddess Rejuvenation program is exclusively for women who want to experience a fine-tuning and improvement of her female parts we sometimes equate with our baby-making equipment ;). If you’ve felt your hormones are a bit wacky, your sex drive is off, or you’re having entirely too many mood swings or temperature changes related to your female body, it’s time to clear and regenerate!

It’s our meditation tradition to clear the ovaries with every meditation and for good reason. The ovaries can become clogged with stuck energies from our healing projects with others. This stuck energy can cause illness and make an environment that does not restore and regenerate. Old stagnant energies do not reflect a fresh vibrant juicy goddess feeling.

We’ve also got to address the failures of that area. Maybe miscarriage, abortion, assault, illness. viruses. poor hormones — all of this needs clearing and refreshing too!

And of course, who actually owns that area? A former or present partner, your mother — do you have an energetic chastity belt on?

This is a profoundly amazing life-transforming 6 hours of sacred female time. Songs are sung, fields and bodies are cleared and Uterus, Cervix, Fallopian tubes, Ovaries, Vagina, Labia, Vulva, Clitoris, G spot along with all the elements that make up the reproductive system, are restored and revitalized.

Here’s what we cover ~ in 4 weekly ~ live clearings

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Training One: Only Gorgeous Goddess!

We clear away all that is not you. Programs for problem energies, bloodline curses and other gnarly stuff disappear as we brighten and sparkle the area that makes you the juicy, sexy woman you are.
We clear away overlaying issues, perhaps from negative events, sexual assault, abortion, DNC, all painful events, and trauma to the area due to illness like ovarian cysts and endometriosis, all health challenges and disease in the area. As well we thoroughly clear all spiritual interferences including people currently in body who have left energies in you and dark controlling energies from your body, going into both the field of embodiment and the field of genesis to ensure a total clearing.

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Training Two: Creating Divine Health

Focusing on all illnesses and diseases both physical and energetic, we seek to clear the body of viruses, bacterial, fungal, yeast, and even cervical warts, as well we’ll address endometriosis and all tumors, ovarian cysts, and any type of growth or anomaly not naturally there or proving great female reproductive health.
We will touch on infertility as well, with the intention of fine-tuning and removing disappearing that which is not you and troubles you on a physical level. You’ll have homework if you’ve struggled with a pervasive infection, and a clear guideline and procedure to follow to help you be free of this troubling condition.

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Training Three: Goddess State Restored!

We do the full regeneration using a technique called cellular neo genesis. All aspects of the reproductive system, one by one are refreshed and revitalized. The ovaries and uterus along with the cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina, g-spot, clitoris, labia, and vulva are renewed, refreshed, and restored to youthful vibrancy. Also, we reset for a healthy moist vaginal area and a restored feeling of good health and joy in this magical and sacred area of you.
This is the only quantum activations program offering such an intimate and vitally important training that really deeply addresses and heals you, in your most sacred and luscious self.

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Training Four: Peak Pleasure

Clear stops/blocks to orgasm and experience joy in sexuality! Improve your hormonal function.
In this final session, we will be restoring any lost/missing pieces in your personal blueprint.
I do this so if there is a missing part your body will once again have the vital road map for the restoration of the entire female sex glands and organs.

Meditations & Supporting Materials

The Definitive Guide to Happy Hormones

  • Setting the Space for Rejuvenation & Tranquility (26 minutes)
  • Fire, Fortification & Love (17 minutes)
  • Energy & Miraculous Recovery (18 minutes)
  • Energy & Assertive Strength (17 minutes)

This is a full guided meditation moving through the entire endocrine system, taking you through a meditative process of regeneration. It’s such a great tool to use prior to attending training, as your body will be fully prepared for cellular neo genesis. This powerful training meditation has all the important fine-tunings and clearings, beginning with grounding and clearing, moving into running energy and starting from hormonal glands in the brain and working down you will go through all the 11 glands and organs one by one helping improve function and you improve color, energy, and cell function.

You will restore your endocrine system to its happy, natural state with this highly effective guided meditation. Become better informed through several key lessons on how the body and glands function. When used frequently, this meditation will help tune up your endocrine system and deepen your connection to spirit, to rest your hormones and make sure they are back in balance and in their natural state of joy!

Happy Hormones

Happy Hormones is for both men and women who want to tune up their hormones and realign their bodies so they are reconnected and working in sync. This gland-improving meditation helps the body to work in harmony. Hormones are akin to spirit, and if your hormones are out of whack, your life and spirit connection will reflect it.


  • Male and Female Gland Clearing and Reset
  • Power and Energy Glands Restored
  • Golden Sun Energization
  • Metabolism and Immune System Strengthening
  • Three Brain Gland Booster
  • Golden Ribbon Loop ~ Connection
  • Restoring Happy Hormone Communication

Fast-moving happy hormones meditations provide a quick tune-up and reset getting you back on track with a smoother flow to your body chemistry and to your life in general. Hormones can either allow you to feel blissfully content or can have the opposite effect causing you to feel exhausted and angry. Why not live life in sync and be your best version of you today!


Are you sick of feeling uncomfortable and bloated? Tired of your body being dictated by your emotions? I don’t blame you because PMS is not fun! Be the Golden Goddess you were meant to be and bring back your divine self. Step into this Q5 End PMS meditation and learn how to put an end to your PMS blues


  • Ground the Ovaries
  • Release obstructed energy surrounding the uterus using Triangulation
  • Golden Vac Clearing
  • Healing of the breasts, bloating and cramping through Rainbow Colors
  • Experience the Quantum Pleasure Field

This meditation will combat even the worst days of PMS. You will become calm, connected, beautiful, and filled with pleasure. Routine practice will help you take control of the energies that wear you down. It’s time to get back into your Human Spirit!

Understanding the Ovaries

This dynamic detailed account of the ovaries will give you a greater sense of awareness of these vital glands that hold both the secrets to creating new life, healthy skin, and healing others, as most women use this potent energy from the ovaries in all their healing projects with family members and loved ones. Learn about the healthy color for the ovaries and so much more.

Western Fertility Crisis: Factors at cause and steps to shift

Learn both some of the major causes of infertility and steps that can be taken to improve the chances of conception. I have had the privilege of working with about 140 couples who had challenges conceiving, or were diagnosed as high risk once pregnant. There are many factors involved in these issues, many of which or energetic. You’ll learn from my wisdom and insights as you study this helpful article.


Yes! Count me in.

Only $137

2 pay of $70 / 3 pay of $47 / 4 pay of $36

Home Study

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Live Course

January 2022

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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations