August 11, 2021
9:30 am – 12:30 pm Central
Regular Tution $147
Post Pandemic Tuition: $97
3 payments of $35
We’ve gone through a tough 18 months with the intrusions of the global health challenges. For whatever the reason, bio toxins have been introduced into the global population which have indications of a significant disruption in the sexual function and ability to continue to repopulate the future for humankind.
One of the issues seen with men is low sperm count, dropping dramatically the function of the sperm left, becoming immobile, and being unable to fertilize an egg. Whether or not you plan to have children, this still needs correction. To leave it to uncheck strengthens to set point for no fertility. I found this from a midwife reporting her findings with her clients who had been going through fertility treatments and seeing the men becoming infertile, as both motility and count had taken a turn for the worse.
The far-reaching issue may be seen in what the race called the Grays did, losing their ability to reproduce, now only clones, and a failing race attempting not to see if there is any way they can use human DNA to somehow restore what they have lost. This may sound like crazy talk. I realize that, but we must look at the information we have in front of us and use all relevant information to help make an informed decision about how to proceed.
I plan in this session to work with men, and the wife’s of those in our community who seek to help heal their husbands/partners. In this way, both men and women will participate in this program.
Our plan is to restore all form function frequency of the entire genital and prostate bladder area of our Beloved and honored men.
From previous trainings on this topic, I’m often asked for assistance from my gentlemen followers for improved sexual function as well as reduction of enlarged prostate. I’ve heard your request for a solution using quantum activations and am now offering this very special one-time clear-out plus regeneration experience just for you.
In this 3-hour clearing and rejuvenating day, we’ll remove all biotoxins, programs from your body, and full blueprint directing poor or low or poor function including a good tune-up for sexual function and a reduction of those who have the potential for or already experience an enlarged prostate reduction. I’ll take you through several processes to clear energetically all of the male body of dark or controlling energies with a focus on great results, followed by a regeneration of the entire male equipment using cellular neogenesis.
Here are some specifics of what we’ll cover during our training:
- Neutralize and fully clear the bioweapon effect on fertility and sperm Semen and sperm refresh and restore, getting the fluids up and healthy.
- Clearing jock itch with follow-up directions to end and erase fungal infection around your boy bits.
- HPV carrier clearing. Men may not have HPV but can be a carrier infecting the partners they are intimate with. We’ll do a clearing on HPV, herpes, HIV, and AIDS including all sexually transmitted dis – ease.
- Urinary tract clearing, quantum clear out for an open clear passage.
- Blue ball clearing, removing dominant female energies and cords that have taken over ownership of testicles and scrotum.
- Prostate shrink with an intention for better bladder control.
- Cellular Neo Genesis of your male parts.
I’ve also included some wonderful support materials with this training.
The Definitive Guide to Happy Hormones
This is a full guided meditation moving through the entire endocrine system, taking you through a meditative process of regeneration. It’s such a great tool to use prior to attending training, as your body will be fully prepared for cellular neo genesis.
This powerful training meditation has all the important fine tunings and clearings, beginning with grounding and clearing, moving into running energy and starting from hormonal glands in the brain and working down you will go through all the 11 glands and organs one by one helping improve function and you improve color, energy, and cell function.
You’ll restore your endocrine system to its happy, natural state with this highly effective guided meditation. Become better informed through several key lessons on how the body and glands function. When used frequently, this meditation will help tune up your endocrine system and deepen your connection to spirit, to rest your hormones, and make sure they are back in balance and in their natural state of joy!
(Running time = 1 hour)
Virility Tune-Up
“Great men’s meditation is”, just what the rejuvenation doctor ordered to get you back to feeling great fast. Practical ~ it makes sense to clear blocked energy and this is a fabulous clearing for you, from the inside out.
- Ground and Clear Your Male Body
- Internal Clear Out Using Earth and Cosmic Energy
- Green and Blue Male Energy Enhancement
- Tuning Up Testosterone Better Muscles Energy
- Better Performance and Energy for Sex
Being potent and strong for yourself and your partner can make the world of difference, right? It’s not complicated. You can have your virility reinstalled and be back in the game with regular practice of this easy-to-follow meditation.
Better Sex
If you’ve been trying to enjoy your sexual experience but have had no success, this loving and straight help meditation gets you clear and relaxed. Delivering real help for what prevents pleasure, you are guided gracefully through the block clearings that allow you to enjoy the pleasures you were always meant to experience.
- Purification Quantum Pleasure Field Technique
- DNA Clearing Family Programs Preventing Ecstasy
- Thought-form and Emotion Cleanout
- Men Green Gold Blessing of Restoration
- Affirmation: I Love Myself, I Trust Myself, I Give Myself Permission to Experience Full Sexual Expression
Tastefully presented with the loving wisdom of the ages, renewal, and rejuvenation are embodied in this incredible life shifter. ‘Better Sex’ helps you to feel the full joys that have eluded you. Heal from a high vibration and release what stops you from the joy of sex.
Quantum Shrink Prostate
I’m often asked if meditation and the quantum field can help shrink an enlarged prostate. The answer is Yes! When you imagine getting the field to support the shift, you create a new reality in your physical body.
- Stress, Excess Energy Release
- Shrinking Blue Cool and Comfortable
- Female Control Energy Removal
- DNA Removal of Prostate and Cancer DNA Process
- Cascade of refreshed cells with New Helpful DNA
It’s time to start feeling good in your skin again! This meditation will quickly help you feel more like yourself. Imagine sleeping longer, or not having to urgently pull over to find a rest area. Feel great and on top of the world. Use this meditation regularly as repetition helps get you to your goal!
Chapter 26 from Your Divine Human Blueprint “Healing From Assault”.
What kicks a spirit out first is the onrush of a violent, human animal. A spirits leaving the body is done entirely to preserve the spirit and is a mechanism wired into the spiritual DNA of each person. It basically gives one’s spirit instructions to get out of the body when the body is under violent attack or other duress. What remains is about ten percent of you that is left intact to ensure that your basic systems stay on. And the experience of an attack is one of shock, incredulity, bewilderment, and darkness. No sense of connection or light remains. During the hours after the occurrence, your angelic helpers assist you…
Article: ‘Hope for Joe Theismann’s Prostate Problems
I was surprised to see my friend, football hero, and Heisman Trophy winner, Joe Theismann, on national TV promoting a solution for enlarged prostate and frequent urination issues interrupting his golf game. I am, however, glad that he’s decided to take a transparent stand to encourage other healthy men to deal with the issue in a healthy, natural way. Kudos, Joe, for using your fame for good, in what normally would be considered a taboo subject, at least for television.
Yes! Count me in.
Now Only $97
3 payments of $35
Invite Your Friends to Join this Training!
Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator
Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.
She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations
From the Chatbox
“Really great class again today, thanks you so much Julie Renee!” ~Philippe
“Thank you Julie, this is one of the best classes you’ve ever given, because it’s something that doesn’t get addressed at all for guys.” ~Benny
“Thank you and Infinite Blessings!” ~Jerry
“Thank you so much. That was all very helpful. This was really one of the best classes you have given!” ~Toni
“Taking part in Julie’s prostate session recently, I was totally unprepared for the deep cleansing and healing that took place within minutes right across my survival systems, body and mind. I didn’t even know these systems were so in need of release and renewal. Julie was always on top of her game – now she’s way ahead of the game.” ~James