Mastering the Quantum Pump

April 15, 2020
11am – 1pm Pacific

Cost: $99

Mastering the Quantum Pump


Everyone who participate in our programs would benefit greatly by attending this one time 2 hour course on increasing your skill and mastery of our quantum pump techniques. For the very first time I am offering a training to help increase your skills and perfect your technique when it comes to pumping. It’s time to learn more about the quantum pump! Where did it all begin? Why different hand movements for different charts? And of course, what exactly are the hand movements? You learn all about these wonderful quantum access activation tools, clear for rapid and profound skill with incredible results and get the newest chart revealing all the details of the quantum pump unique to our academy and taught nowhere else!

I’ve got a wonderful chart for you explaining in writing how each and every hand movement is correctly done and why it is used in specific circumstances. The hand movements you will train in and hopefully master are as follows:

  • Quantum pump
  • Double pump
  • Chopping
  • Platter
  • Doorknob
  • Chakra movement
  • Side slide
  • Flutter
  • Foot pump
  • ITR Pump (inner thigh rest)

Please note we will be clearing the entire training. Come prepared to have your hands moving, your mind open and your heart tapping into the quantum field of transformation, because this is a class of transformation and strengthening!

Here’s what we are up to in your
2 weekly training sessions:

human open empty hands

Training Hour One begins with a clearing chart helping you clear familial and religious or regional blocks to having access to the quantum field and successfully clearing using the unique and extremely powerful quantum pumps, we’ll be clearing interferences brands labels and especially timelines making quantum pumping a joyous ease filled experience every time. We will progress into the chart covering all the details of each style of pump and clear for the group specific issues like programs and Spiritual interferences lowering your results and skill in each style.

hand in the sunset one sign of meditation in buddhism

Training Hour Two takes us through the entire list of quantum pump hand gestures, getting a clearing in each style for every student. It is my intention that folks who have struggled to comprehend or mimic what they see me do during class will get ample time explanation and clearing to really enjoy and powerfully use the quantum pump techniques with more power, speed and better results as we complete the clearings in this training.


Training supports

Quantum Pump Chart

Master Chart for All the Quantum Pump Styles

This chart helps you truly get what is involved in the hand movement, when it is used and how it is specifically accessing the quantum field of transformation. Added to this especially for this training are the blocks with programs and interferences which we will clear specifically related to the students attending this training.

And Clearing chart for right permission and ability to powerfully use all quantum pump styles increasing skill speed and the correct delivery of the hand movement

space time and quantum physics

The Quantum Pleasure Field

When you’re needing a fast and sweet entry into the pleasure field, you’ll want to practice this guided meditation that helps you release everything that would block you from enjoying the field in your waking hours.


  • Release and revitalize
  • Unplug from nervous energies
  • Center of head clearing
  • Pleasure field Sparkly energizing alive
  • Pleasure field enhancing every cell in the body
  • Taking the pleasure field into you awake aware day

Pleasure is to little know in this day of high stress and high productivity. If you think you want to live a blessed and beautiful life without the struggle and isolation you too can rapidly move into and stay in the quantum pleasure field with this life enhancing, restorative meditation.

quantum gravity

Quantum Leap

Are you ready for your next Quantum Leap? Quantum shifts are accelerated with this amazing meditation in the areas of business, love and health. Let’s bring balance and celebration into your vision for the next big breakthrough! All things are truly possible.


  • Balancing your mental body back to 100%
  • View screen Breakthrough Visions
  • Releasing blocks to shift
  • Explore the Quantum Field of possibility
  • Being fully supported in the field of grace

Remember, total fulfillment begins in the mind. What you vividly imagine is amplified by these powerful quantum field techniques and will become real. Creating a magnetic pull towards you for that which you seek becomes a manifested reality with this outstanding quantum shifter.


Student Success Stories

This class made a huge difference for me in understanding how each form of the quantum pump really works. I found out that in the past I was actually doing some of it wrong and wasn’t getting the results I was hoping for.

β€” Stephanie Schreiber

I’m not sure what happened for me in the Mastering the Quantum Pump class, but whatever it was has given me an edge I didn’t have before. I didn’t think this was a class I particularly needed because I felt confident with all my hand movements, but there was more to this clearing than I realized. I can’t really put my finger on the change, but I’m grateful for it!

β€” Dale Allen

All of your meditations and live classes Light Me Up! I always feel fantastic when I do your classes! I’m actually 74 years old with the body and energy of a 33-year old or a 24-year old now because I’ve been in your classes for about 3 years now and I Quantum pump every day! You’re making a Great Contribution to the People of this world Julie! May all go Great for You and everyone around you!

β€” Ann Beam

Yes! Count me in.

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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations


from the Chat Box:

Chris: Thank you for this important class. God Bless You.

Dale: I feel so fortified by your spoken prayers. Thank you.

Julie Bott: That feels a lot better! Thanks! I wasn’t using my thumb UP for the Quantum Pump and it is so much easier now!

Hilda: That’s a very good visual on the platter, thank you. Clarification of finger and arm position as we do different types of pumps are helpful and the purposes of pumps is enlightening.

Karen Q.: I like to do the Platter fast because its fun and feels better to me.

Jean: Woo this is so cool. So helpful. And I just realized the doorknob feels easier to do now. More relaxed.

Julie C: I was reminded not to drop my arm with the doorknob.

Carole: The foot pump got clarified for me and I will use that more now. Same with the flutter πŸ™‚

Paula: Very good clarification of the different pumps.

Eva: Understand that energy actually shifts and that I can shift energies.

Karen Q: The information about what each pump can be used for has really helped me be more effective in my clearings when I am working outside of class. Thanks so much taking the time to clarify all of this for us.

Elena: Thanks for the clarifications, am doing the platter much better, now. πŸ™‚

Solissa: Clarification of side slide, now easier with more flow, also the basic pump better flow… thank you!

Jyoti: Thank you for your additional teaching on the chakra move. Very helpful for me to not place hand in front of the chakra! thank you. πŸ™‚

Dawn: Yes, the clearing statement class was a complete game changer for me in all areas These pumps are like spiritual sign language communicating to particles. I love this work! I always think of the story you shared about the indian women who playfully did the foot pump when pumping, gets me in my kid’s space of fun and innocence I use the flutter pretty much most of the time when I’m out and about, even when I’m on the treadmill working out πŸ™‚ Great class today. It’s almost like “clearing out the devil” with the details πŸ™‚ Today was VERY helpful, thank you so much for showing up to do this class in the midst of not feeling well.

Martha: My muscle testing also seemed to improve after the last pumping class! hmm… love that you are adding “permanence:

Hope: I understood all the pumps and confirmed I’m doing them correctly.

Dale: I had not been doing the side slide quite right. I like the adjustment – makes it seem more like something is being cleared off a timeline.

Emunah: The use of the flutter was good for me to know, the rest was already clear for me.

Gabriela M Sampson: I was only familiar with the QP and none of the other movements. Very happy to know that there are more and they all affect our universe in a positive way! i am very very grateful Julie to you and Adelia. πŸ™‚

Martha: I plan to start using foot pump with other pumps to increase effectiveness.

Pennymay: I’m clearer about the doorknob and understanding they all happen from the elbow has given a deeper understanding. By focusing on the elbow the hand works automatically by focusing on each pump.

Steve: The doorknob is MUCH clearer to me now! thank you so much Julie.

George: I’d been of the belief that my hand movements didn’t’ matter. I NOW believe i can do more on my own. My hand movements will be more effective from now on.

Barb: I only knew half of the movements, love knowing the rest. Thank you. I also was doing the doorknob incorrectly. It really helped to see the movements up close and slower.

Dawn: I’ve been doing most of the movements correctly, but learned a couple of shifts (ie thumb pointing up) that make the pumping feel MUCH better. I feel more clear and empowered for sure. And the pace of this class was PERFECT for me. Thank you! πŸ™‚

Callie: I had unlearned and relearned the doorknob position. It’s such a relief to realize keeping the fingers still without twisting as if turning a doorknob. lol

Johannah: Live classes are special and precious to me, too. I am so grateful for all of them. There is marked improvement in pumping techniques and muscle testing as well. Thank you.

Tina: Thank you! Gets clearer by and by!

Susan: Thank you so much for this training. So greatly needed. Blessings Julie!

Kathleen Lou: Thank you so much! Really helpful and fun class. xoxo

Julie C: After the last quantum pump class, I noticed a very awesome increase in speed and power of my pumping! We have new things and I am excited to see how that shifts again for me.