Activate: A Quantum Mastery Program

Activate: Awaken and Transform

Quantum Activations Academy Leaders Program With Reverend Julie Renee Doering, Mentor, Quantum Transformation Avatar and Spiritual Guide

Who were you born to be? What were the Blessings you were meant to experience? Are you succeeding with your hopes and dreams as you had imagined?

Not long ago, I asked myself a question, why am I not where I had hoped to be? At that point in time it came down to body and life ownership. I was moseying along doing what I was observing and listening to actually what the male business teachers were guiding me to do. But that was just keeping me booked solid, working on more projects and websites and social media…blah blah blah. I was like a dog chasing her tail, a lot of work with the dream ahead of me, but it always remained just out of reach. Why?!

And more recently I was pondering the important question: am I receiving all of God’s Blessings that are meant for me? And I was so shocked to discover that I really wasn’t. And I had to wonder, what is going on, here I was following directions from the business leaders on being a successful entrepreneur, asking the blueprint the medical questions of what is in the way of my health being 100% and I was just not making the kind of real progress I’d seen for myself.

Living into who you were meant to be, owning a young body and life fully and having your energetic set points (ones that are largely created by family and religion) on how you can enjoy blessings and abundance in your life, are the main goals of the Activate program.

Body ownership was 3-fold, entitlements, family as interferences and control projection energies. This was a project of discovery for about 24 months, and out of this search I created numerous trainings to help our entire community as a whole make these wonderful shifts up. These trainings are a key part of this program. Life ownership and how you live fully expressed in the world may have a lot to do with your DNA, birth order and right, permission and ability to be here be part of something greater and live outside the family constraints that can keep you lock in unable to express and live successfully.

I want to reignite my passion for learning and life! I withdrew from many things after retiring and losing my close friend with whom I shared a spiritual journey. And I manifested some significant health issues. I found myself so energized by the first class I took with you that I soon committed to the Activate program.

— Kathy

I want to reach the highest spiritual level of development and live continuously in the divine will and still have 50 years of life to live in this lifetime.

— Albert

The last thing I want to say about this is when a few years back, being happy with what I had accomplished, after all I had come back from the dead twice and gotten books, meditations and programs out globally, I asked if I was living into all I came to be, and again was shocked to see I had only lived in 60% of what I could have. So many missed opportunities, and things in the way of me making my marking and living to my fullest potential.

Have you too pondered these questions? And if so, what have you thought about when the fulfillment is less than the opportunity presented to you and…is now gone as a missed blessing?

I feel so happy with all I’ve done and all that I’ve accomplished in this life, and I know there is so much more. Doing the clearings and having my set points for 100% on receiving God’s blessings is an important part of the journey of full self-expression for me, and for you too!

I’m a retired teacher. For years I’d been looking to learn some kind of energy work and in 2014 I found you! At once resonated with your work and have been following your teaching. Thank you! I have got a lot of help from your classes, whenever there is a challenge, I know that I can overcome it. I have become calm, have more energy, feel more connected and blessed.

— Ilme

Activate: Awaken and Transform experience uses systemized spiritual and energetic processes to bring your life and full self-expression to full realization. As you progress through 1-5 years of your training we’ll be shifting your energetic templating, moving your set points for fulfillment to the highest circumstances. My goal for you is Quantum Mastery and a life of full self-expression!

Activate the New YOU!
Revitalized, Restored and Energized

Is this a program suited for your needs?
Our Activate program is for you, if you’re committed to the process of growing and transforming using the Our Unique Quantum Technologies including DNA Obliteration, the disappearing of problematic DNA, using Quantum hand movements, meditation and done for you complex charted clearings, Cellular Neo Genesis, the regeneration of cells using stem and master cells, Spiritual coherency in all you do fitting together beautifully with all you have learned so far and both divine and human blueprint wisdom.

I see two types of people who this program is really suited for:

Transformation Seeker: You may also be a person who is ready for a steady, easy-to-manage, well-designed, transformative experience. Life has not been working the way you’d hoped and you’re ready to know why, and how to shift it for the better over the course of a year. You want to rectify your life, bring it into balance and full self-expression in a powerful paced progression with tangible results.


I am at home caring for my family and doing creative things. My life is grand and I can attend our classes easily. I have always loved learning largely from reading topic on spiritual, mental and physical health. These classes are the most spectacular of all! Honestly the best trainings I have ever heard about and learned from. I am always wanting to use what I learn to benefit and help others. I feel that I have lived a blessed life. I came into the Activate classes originally to simply benefit my teeth issues. I am free and calm about my teeth which is so Awesome! My life seems so different working behind the scenes where I love to be. I do somehow wish to help bring this into the world. All said and done I am committed to helping people with their transformations.

— Nettie

I had been keeping an eye on being a Quantum Mastery participant for a couple a years, really since first knowing of your work. I felt a strong knowing that it would be very beneficial for me to jump in when l did – started first of the year at the very same time l changed workplace and moved homes. I felt that everything in my life would be clearer and more stable. It certainly has been! Together with all the other gifts this training have given me, truly magical.

— Tina

Quantum Activation Leader in the Making: You may see yourself moving into a leadership role in the future. You have an interest in healing and energy work, may have a practice, or a desire to help people and are looking for guidance, direction and a certification program to get started. From what you’ve learned so far by attending trainings you feel and see the power of this ancient knowledge. You get it! Having access to quantum activations transformation is the ticket for all of humanity to elevate shift and return to the life of full self-expression, a well lived healthy youthful very long life and ultimately our return to our new version of Garden of Eden! You are ready to get your feet wet in a full year of transformation and are looking for a manageable way to get started.

It’s a funny thing, as I see how I am transforming and growing I’m more excited about the future me than I am about the now me. I’m understanding how much I need to work on so that I can be the absolute best version of me. This is really big. As I wake up to me and my own fully expressed life I can help/heal others. That being said I’ve released so much unwanted old emotions like anger and no longer feel myself getting as upset as I once did. I’m most thrilled about the number of ‘things’ I need to eject so that I can own my body. That probably sounds odd, but to actually know and be able to clear so very very much is thrilling. I’m amazed at what I’m releasing as it seems each time I get close to getting the muscle testing working something else comes up to be cleared. It’s great to be doing these deep clearings!

— Katherine

Becoming an Activate student in the Quantum Mastery program means you will train about once a week in the quantum field of transformation. You will clear lifetimes of what is not you off you over the course of the year. Using the quantum technologies, you’ll break the encoded failure and low programming set points. You’ll enjoy miracles and transformation as well as openings you’d hoped for and dreamed might be possible but had not yet realized. So important to this process is to comprehend we are not just clearing one lifetime, but all lifetimes, all generations and all religious morays, the stuff that has held you back for so long in stagnation. This is a process of breaking free to be who you came to be!

Thank you for making my life, like living in a dream, rather my past which was a life of struggle. Thank you for bringing your cheerful presence, sharing all you have learned in your life, for having had such a hard life so you can teach me so much, the stuff that I yearn to know. Every day I get better and better. I’m becoming the person I want to be. I’m excited to learn all I have ahead of me to learn. These programs and you make my life better. and Thank you. Thank you, Thank you, ahead of time for all you will be teaching me in the future! I realize more and more now that I can really help people and make a real difference.

— Nettie

Wisdom Teaching and Profound Clearings
Advance Your Health, Wealth, Emotions, Love and So Much More

In the Activate program you will effortlessly acquire the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. Each of our gatherings has a specific purpose, to learn clear create momentum in a specific area. From these trainings, flow a wealth of incredible wisdom and knowledge, you could not find anywhere else but under the mentorship of Julie Renee.

Energetic Coherency
You’ll be in trainings enjoying an easy paced and potent training schedule. One and sometimes two times weekly with some breaks. You’ll experience all the formative and life expanding trainings, on profound clearing, the new blueprint training, as well as trainings on emotions, love, wealth and success and of course the path to improving your personal DNA code.

You can expect to master muscle testing, increase and amplify your clearing skills, speed up your ability to regenerate and fine-tune your entire body being (your own personal year dedicated to fine-tuning you and your blueprint!). You will be given the opportunity to progress to a second and even third year in this training level, and will find each year is amazingly transformative and unlike the previous year.

Why do I think you should be part of Activate: Awaken and Transform Leaders Program?

Continuity, powerful results and profound understanding and knowledge. I don’t want you lost and confused, or feeling like I’m speaking Greek. I want you to get it.
This may be the most important decision you make in your life, or even over the course of many lives. It’s the decision to powerfully live, with full knowledge of how life works, moving both towards enlightenment and full self-expression. Our programs are simple, easy and filled with grace. And, I hold your hand through the challenging stuff.

Please join me, let me mentor you, get the year of training under your belt and then once you’ve got that foundation, decide, if you should do more. (Of course I want you with me a few years ;0) But make a powerful choice for yourself now. You are worthy and deserving, you have the right, permission and ability to accomplish this mastery in the quantum field and I am here to mentor you through the journey!

Taking on being a Quantum Mastery student for 1-5 years in the quantum field of transformation is committing to a path of mastery, excellence, and power. As the layers of gunk peel off you during classes and trainings, your energy begins to raise up and your ability to know and understand opens deeper and deeper the longer you stick with the study. Higher frequency means greater ability to transform and shift things in the field at will rapidly.

Wow! Being in the Foundational Apprentice (now called Activate) program has provided the breakthrough I have wanted for so long! I have just been able to really heal myself again. It is something that I have been working on for 20 years. I am also thrilled with the clarity that I have now! It’s is awesome!

— Katie

Thank you! I am really new to this work and I jumped right in! I am so pleased to have all the clearings and the results too! I actually feel clearer. I didn’t even know such a thing was possible! Yeah! My brain is clearer for example when I watch a movie with family I understand what is going on in the storyline. It is definitely clearer. In conversation, I feel more understood and understand what people are saying. My brain feels focused and brighter than ever. I feel younger in that sense too!

— Nettie

If this is calling to you, jump in, get started and learn! You are here to advance your progress on your path of spiritual, emotional and human evolution and I have powerful gifts and tools to help you accomplish and progress in one life what might have taken twenty lifetimes to advance through.

In the Activate level we’ll be exploring all aspects of the Human Blueprint using the quantum field to effect shifts of miraculous proportions. For the most part you’ll be attending 1, and sometimes 2, weekly classes. Please consider yourself in ‘school,’ so to speak. If you’re unable to attend live, please be proactive and make an appointment with yourself to get your trainings completed. I’ve removed the homework element for the most part, so you’ll get your work done 90-95% of the time during class time! There is an opportunity to receive a certification if you arrange it at the beginning of your program and are faithful to attending/ participating in all the programs presented in Activate. I guarantee you will be on an amazing journey as the year progresses.

I have become more confident in myself, clearer, having more “control” over my everyday life. I feel less remote controlled from unknown:-) forces. I’m excited to be in the Activate program and am focused on generating even more focus to create my own life instead of being led from my outer circumstances. The 100% Clear training has helped a great deal!!

— Sindy

What you said once about being surprised by a class that you weren’t really drawn to has been very true for me. The best thing for me has been the cumulative effect of all the classes. It’s so exciting to me to see who I’m becoming these days. I am much more myself. Happy and easy and high spirits that aren’t depending on what’s going on around me.

— Dale

Having my hearing disability, I’m often not fully present emotionally in gatherings, So my miracle was with this class was that I felt very good, hopeful, present, and practically ecstatic with enthusiasm. I am able to hear better as well. After my first class about clearing out broken flawed DNA, I felt quite overjoyed and very empowered. I’m now an Activate participant and have been taking classes for close to 6 months. I’ve notice a cumulative effect, and increase in empowerment and a consistent, more consistent ‘wise elder’ perspective on my own and other’s lives. I feel better, am more self-accepting and self-loving.

— George


Our areas of study include:

Health & Clearing

The reason many folks find their way into our training is to improve their health, and then to learn the steps to grow younger and more vibrant. Your year long course is rich in these teachings and you will notice, just as my student Heather has, you are not only happier, you are looking younger and more beautiful. You’ll learn the steps towards clearing away programs and spiritual interferences while you takes steps towards integrating cellular neo genesis, the restoring of your body.

Wealth & Relationships

Your love and money are related to the freedom you experience in the quantum field, and the ease you have in commanding the field of amplification toward your intentions. Learn how to clear the held-back, suppressed aspects of your life and move into a great deal more freedom as you discover who you were meant to be in a higher and faster frequency.

Emotions & Full Self Expression

These are the intimate trainings and a true door to freedom. With challenges in the early emotional entrainment one struggles with health, wealth and love. By addressing these areas we bring balance and a complete understanding and upgrade to the Human experience and human blueprint entire system.

Spiritual Awareness

A vital part of our training is the aspect of your Essence and connection with the Divine. You are not just a body and a mind, you are a spirit in a body supported by fields and thoughts and energy systems. You’ll learn both who you are as essential nature ,and experience aspects of training on the mystical connections with the sacred, divine self.

In this Activate level you get the monthly trainings and all the basics of being an apprentice, and it’s perfect for the busy professional or for someone on a budget ready to jump in and get certified.

Being part of the Quantum Mastery Program is a blessing in itself! You’re learning from the source as Julie Renee has been revealing the Blueprint and mapping all elements for 8 years now with a huge wealth of knowledge to share and train you in.

As a Quantum Mastery student you’ll receive a substantial reduction in tuition.

Here’s how it looks when you run the numbers:

As a Quantum Mastery student in the Activate Program, The total value of the Activate Program is $5,000 I want as many as possible who are committed to this level of training to be able to jump in so I’ve reduced the tuition you pay only $3,500, You will have the opportunity to get certified, experience miraculous transformation daily and being a part of a growing loving community of quantum activators.

Please note *All Quantum Mastery trainings must be completed in one calendar year to receive your Certification as a Quantum Mastery Student. All one-to-one hours must be used in the year of study, and cannot be carried forward.

I have healed on so many levels. Each class takes me deeper and deeper into expressing more of my true self. I think brilliant brain has been the most far reaching, but really hard to choose. I am experiencing daily: better memory, mental clarity, ability to problem solve, increased ability for sequential ordering. Also, definitely better emotional balance.

— Amy G

I’ve intended to improve my life and raise my vibrational level as an Activate participant. Traveling the last 16 months I consistently had a problem: picking up other people’s energetic stuff. I found traveling can be the worst for me with airports, planes, close quarters and loads of people. I truly feel the classes are helping me to get rid of these and all unwanted energies. As I do this clearing and lightening up I notice a wonderful result! I’m raising my vibration sand as I do I am not a vibrational match for lower energies! I just feel happier and lighter in my life and that means the world to me. I am looking forward to growing younger, feeling strong and fantastic and loving being with my Divine Complement.

— Diane B.

Being in this program has been a big eye opener for me. I felt stuck and have not previously been able to determine what is going on until now! It’s an awesome tool to use, the quantum activation hand movements and detailed charts help to create a new way towards clarity! I now have more than just hope for seeing my daughters grow, I now have an actual sense of well-being I have not felt in years. That anxiety and depression I felt is ALL gone! I see myself back on my bicycle and out of the house that had become the only place I could exist. I had a challenging spring dealing with breathing problems, electrolyte imbalances and what I would describe as PTSD symptoms. I had been placed on oxygen therapy during the day and it was hard to walk across the room without struggling for air. After changing my point of reference to gratitude and continuing with the Activate daily practices, I am now totally off oxygen and beginning to walk around the block! I’ve begun exercising slowly and have enrolled in a class to get back into a good cardio routine, building me back up. That to me is miraculous and I am so very grateful for all Julie Renee’s support on so many levels!

— Julie C.


Activate: Awaken and Transform Live Trainings include:


  1. Identifying & Clearing on Columns 31-70
  2. AI Marathon 


  1. Love, Love, Love the Way We Love in a God-Blessed Existence


  1. Immortal Soul Restoration
  2. Immortal Soul Restoration Marathon


  1. Clearing Nefarious Agencies


  1. Removing Human Nature Overlays


  1. Working in the Master Chart 4 Topic Clearings


  1. Clearing Pentagon, USDA, Air Force, and CDC


  1. Embracing My Human Heart Song


  1. Understanding and Owning Your Nature Present, Past and Future


  1. Genesis
  2. Quantum Vibration Structure
  3. God Strength Door
  4. Mason Illuminati Clearing


  1. AI Clearing
  2. Creating Clearing Statements


  1. End of Year Clear out Activations: Money, Relationship, Vibrancy, & Reset for Fresh Goals

Sign Me Up!

Option #1

Pay in Full $3,500
(Save $440)

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Option #2

Down Payment of $1,000 and
11 Payments of $275

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Scholarship #1

Pay in Full $1,750
12 Payments of $150

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Scholarship #2

Pay in Full $1,400
12 Payments of $140

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If you’re going into your second year with the Quantum Mastery Program,
here are your options: Quantum Mastery Year Two.

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