Wednesday April 3, 2024
11:00 am – 1:00 pm Central
Cost: $29
Is your Divine Human Blueprint wired to fuel and fund your endless vitality?
This month’s trainings support 100% Vitality and Understanding of Your Divine Human Blueprint, and our community class gets you off to a great start with a tune-up for power, passion, and drive!
In this two-hour training, you’ll get a chance to start the big clear out for vitality and personal power with a super duper clearing chart for your blueprint challenges related to vivacity. Troublesome programs like evil spirit curses, emotional timelines, satanic curses, ancestral contracts, family timelines, miasms, and many, many more will disappear as you open to a better version of yourself.
We’ll also explore the emotional and mental impact of body awareness, or lack of it, as well as deep dive into how low states like depression and anxiety can siphon off all you may have available to you but are losing simply by living in a lower state most of the day.
I’ll be going into the Divine Human Blueprint in the second hour for one of our famous Blueprint shifters for all of humanity. This is a very special experience to be part of and a rare opportunity to participate in a shift for all humankind.
I felt pleasant tingling in head and throat area. It felt like an energy upgrade, very calming and loving. Thank you Julie, you are beautiful and loving.
Julie D
Thank you so very much! From the moment you said you were going into the Blueprint, my body started goose bumping all over and I was touched to tears by your generosity and your energy. I felt that this was very significant for me.
I saw angels, and I saw webs like stands, and like usual you were dancing, ballet like and touching different webs and they were changing colors….
Strengthening Your Blueprint’s focus on anxiety and depression was amazing! I’ve been working on these issues a lot going back through the charts we’ve done to clear clear clear including the DNA of Happiness ones. I’m happy to say it has really improved and I’m happy you gave us this clearing chart yesterday to clear more of it. Thanks a bunch!!!

Premier Dynamism Meditation
52 minutes – Sells for $79
Powerfully attune all the body’s 15 natural energy and power centers, clearing away blocks and restoring vitality and potency! If you’ve been feeling physically, emotionally, or mentally stagnant or just not quite yourself, this meditation will clear things up for you and get you back on the road to vibrant health and vitality.
- You’ll Increase your energy levels
- Improve adrenal health
- Direct the quantum field for natural energy-boosting
- Clear foreign energy from the chakras and nadis return them to full function, and clear your aura of negative or excess energy.
- Restore your energetic body to a clean, healthy state.
- Boost to your cellular fuel source – the mitochondria
- Direct energetic support to your muscles and help you regenerate tissue.
You’ll re-establish feelings of joy and happiness. Dynamism meditation is a GREAT way to clear all your energy centers and be restored to higher vibrations such as joy, happiness, and free self-expression. Burn away any negativities that others try to toss your way!
Pump up the Energy
Is it time to take your energy to the next level? Would you like to do it in a natural way? By pumping energy, you will activate the fuel generators in the cells. Quick and awesome, this regeneration of the body will have you up and on your way in no time at all.
This meditation is sure to raise your energy and launch you back into your day renewed, revitalized, and ready for action.
- Fuel Generator of Cells Restored to 100%
- Breathe for Oxygenation and Vibrancy
- Aura Lightening with Diamond Light Technique
- Adrenal Shift to Sparkling Animation
- Escalate Your Life Force
- Connection to Loving Community Restoring Faith in Others
‘Pump Up the Energy’ is for everyone. Use it on a day you feel sluggish or a day when your emotions or hormones are taking you out of your best game. Feel energy and vitality return to your body in a matter of minutes. This is your time to shine, don’t waste another minute feeling slow and low down. Let’s get you back at peak performance with renewed vitality NOW!

Dynamism Chapter from Your Divine Human Blueprint
Dynamism from Your Divine Human Blueprint book helps you understand how to restore the 15 power and energy sources of Your Human Blueprint. Life saving and energizing. Learn the elements of your body and blueprint that need care and attention to keep you both finely tuned for vitality and super charged for emotional and physical power.
7 Fundamentals for Living an Extraordinary Life
Along the way to my personal journey towards 100% health, I discovered the secret path to living an extraordinary life. Your existence is not defined by the complicated set of circumstances life brings you. Rather, living an extraordinary life is a conscious choice to be and become your greatness.
PEMER the Human Blueprint
Learn the 4 basic areas of the blueprint. The more you activate the Blueprint, in other words, focus your intentions on the full experience of the 100% Healthy formula, the more rapidly things in your life will improve. Talk about walking around and sparkling…you will become a bright beacon of light, guiding all your dreams to you effortlessly.
Yes! Count me in.
Option 2:
Join our community
for a 1-Year Access
Pay in full: $290
(receive 2 months free) or Pay for $29/month
Option 3:
Join our community
for a 2-Year Access
Pay in full: $551
(receive 5 months free) or Pay for $29/month
Invite Your Friends to Join this Training!
Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator
Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.
She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations
From the Chatbox
Marina: Thanks, I’m feeling better already blessings.
Nettie: getting much better since October when I started training with you
Martha: I feel absolutely no pain during classes with you – love it!
Ann-Mari: I’ve been enjoying your mantra. “Everyday, in every way, I’m getting better and better, yey!” I would love to hear that again sometime. 🙂
Claire: Hi thank you for this class! Feeling better even in this allergy season. Thank you!!
Dustin: I began this class feeling irritable and hostile. Now I’m feeling much more loving and appreciative… this clearing is working marvelously… thank you!
Pennymay: I’m starting to feel much better thank you so much
Sean: I did the vitality class last year and had wonderful results ~ too many to mention but I’m excited to repeat it this year and see what else is possible and super excited re the blueprint class. I’ve read about it and really want to grasp it in more depth!
Carole: This is helpful. They are connecting 5g hardware where I live. It feels like a live wire and oppressive. Has been making me feel incredibly anxious. Grateful for this class 🙂
Nettie: I love that, “if you want to live a long life you have to give yourself a reason to live a long life”! Ha Yah!
Karen: Giving yourself reason to live a long life is a great reminder to be grateful for all that we have been given. It is so awesome…
Jyoti: Thank you so much for this class and your visiting the divine blueprint again. So appreciative. And for the gifts!!! wow!!! xoxo