Available as Home Study
$249.00 or 2-pay/$125.00 3-pay/$84.33 4-pay/$63.00
Scholarship Tuition:
$125.00 or 2-pay/$63.00 3-pay/$42.00 4-pay/$32.00
When Trauma takes hold it can stay for years, weaken the connection of spirit in body and alter your physical life dramatically by reducing your interaction and connection with others. Trauma won’t necessarily lower your frequency, but it does reduce your imagination, and creation field so that you are trapped in a ‘playing small box’.
The area in the blueprint most affected is perception.
Magnetism – reduced
Ego – life becomes about you surviving the trauma so the ego is primarily self-directed
Eccentricity – joy is suppressed
Telepathy – narrow band telepathy, the image you send from your mind to another while you speak becomes muted and hard to understand making the other appear disinterested in you
Clairaudience – auditory ‘hallucination’ become hurtful
Charisma – this becomes very weak, you have difficulty being persuasive in things and outcomes that matter to you
Individuality – if trauma stays too long you become defined no longer by who God created you to be but by what the trauma did to you and how you are wounded, or incapable, or whatever it is from having gone through
This is a very special 5-hour session to help shift us all out of traumas, and just like when we work on a chart we clear from the top through column 1 then 2, and so on, we will clear from the present time, back through recent issues with the lockdowns evacuation and deaths on back hopefully through your entire life. The goal is to really get us back to living freely without especially the influence of recent traumas.
Yes! Count me in.
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Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator
Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.
She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations