Miracles Contest – Honorable Mention

PennyMay Griffin

I wanted to understand what intuition was fully and harness inner vision more clearly. I was insecure about my intuition, I didn’t understand the difference, what was intuition, what was mind, what wasn’t, all of that, I was constantly in a state of confusion. I felt insecure both with intuition and inner vision, wondering what was real, what was right, what am I doing etc. I didn’t trust the belly at all, possibly due to Crohn’s disease, I didn’t know what was true to me and what wasn’t, I didn’t trust life at all. After taking the Intuition and Inner Vision class this was no longer an issue. I started to act intuitively as if it had always been that way. What a relief, finally I can trust again which created more space for joy and love in my life. I now see, feel and hear with clarity. I feel safe in who I am, what I am experiencing and what i’m doing. This was such a life changing breakthrough! I now listen to my belly and intuition without question and with confidence, I trust in it completely. I feel so much happier in my self. I can sense so much more, I act intuitively all the time now, and trust in this without question. This has changed my life massively. What a great class! Thanking you so much with abounding gratitude and blessing.

– About Intuition & Inner Vision

I wanted to really nail this training. Having a disease there were so many interferences attaching themselves. I felt by clearing and understanding this class I could really heal and work the knowledge with all future classes as well as feel and know what was me and what was an interference. This class for me is probably one of the most important classes I’ve taken. I really wanted to clear everything out of my space once and for all. There is always something new to learn and the understanding and rewards are phenomenal. I had so many spiritual interferences coming and going that I felt heavy and a bit potty at times. Once I had taken the class I felt so strong and for as long as i can remember, Myself! Once I had experienced this there was no going back, I wanted to feel like this all the time. This class not only cleared the interferences, it gave me all the explanations on what they were, how to clear them and which hand movements to use. The charts are now my go to when i’m not feeling like myself. I know that this is most likely an interference and use the chart to clear the imposter. Each time I revisit the replay I get a deeper understanding and clearing. I am so grateful. I really have found this class invaluable and feel my energies and strength deepening into self in a lighter more fulfilling way which in turn has given me a new life, with ease, love and joy.

– About Freedom from Spiritual Inferences


Carole Mistarka

I have been doing the homework for this class too and can feel the results. It’s subtle and gradual but I can feel it, especially in my knees. My hips were all locked up and now they are freer and I can walk more freely and with less pain. More clearing still to do. I also worked on the emotional aspect and have made HUGE strides in letting go of the trauma of the past and forgiving myself and those who harmed me. The result has been dramatic. So much very deep letting go of emotions directing my painful joints! I am looking forward to being pain free in my knees, hips, neck and back. I’d love to be able to walk freely and to exercise, to fully enjoy life!

– About Arthritis

I have experienced a miraculous transformation in my home and my body mirrors that. Having every room in my home being clean and clear and staying that way was my main mock up. I also wanted everything to have a place and for my home to feel peaceful and healed. For the first time ever, I have done what I had longed to do I cleaned and have maintained this pristine level in my space clear for almost 2 months since the class. I have made enormous progress in other areas of my home and discarded about 20 shredded bags of paper trash. Every time I do the meditation my mind feels clearer and clearer. I had a huge miracle related to that with being able to release some very intense hypnotic programming from a sadistic abuser when I was in college. This has been plaguing me my whole life. It was solid like volcanic rock. Gradually, with every meditation more and more released. It crumbled into rubble and tons dumped out of my trap door. Then there was a huge solid piece and I couldn’t even wash around it. In therapy, it transformed into molten lava and just poured and poured out of the trap door down a grounding cord to the center of the earth where it could be transformed. It released totally. I have experienced a new level of emotional freedom since then.

– About Accelerate Wealth

100% Full Body ownership has transformed me for the better! When I regained my missing parts I became 100% Spirit and it changed my life. Doing the Embodiment and TV Clearing helped me so much I was able to clear about 80% of my sciatic pain and sleep thru the night without pain.

– Karen Quinn, about Full Body Ownership

I was feeling a little disconnected, my intuition felt blocked, and I found myself being frustrated over little things. After attending Freedom from Spiritual Inferences, this first class, I felt really happy, I couldn’t stop smiling, I felt like I was connected to this universal flow, I just knew intuitively what to do next, was picking up on people’s sentences before the would say something. That night someone would say how did you know I was thinking that, I said I don’t know, I just do.

– Will I Am Russell, about Freedom from Spiritual Inferences