Miracles Contest – Winner’s Circle

Caryll Cram

“I am walking without any help. I am dancing weekly.”


My Doctor cancelled my upcoming chemo! I enrolled in the VIP program because I got a yes from Divine guidance. I had very large Lymph nodes and they decreased to a size that surprised my doctor. My blood work also returned to closer to normal levels and I felt really good. No more night sweats etc. Went dancing more often. The Doctor canceled my upcoming Chemo and I thanked God and Julie Renee.

Two years later when the nodes grew again I enrolled in the VIP program again for another session with Julie Renee. My Doctor gave me another non-Chemo drug and with the combination bringing me to Zero Lymphoma. I once again thanked God and Julie Renee and of course my guides who I believe led me to the Diamond Training in Julie Renee’s home in the Carmel Valley as well as the VIP training. I am walking without any help. I am dancing weekly.(I love to Boogie), I have no back pain,

– Caryll Cram, about VIP

My Memory Has Improved! I had been experiencing more and more trouble with driving around a city where I work in the summer months only but where I used to be very familiar with the streets. About 2 weeks after the brain rejuvenation Year of Miracles session on July 20th this summer, I realized that I was able to remember the route home from school the Uber driver took, and was able to picture the map in my head. So when a friend offered me the use of her car, I drove myself after that and was amazed at the other routes I remembered as well. At the end of classes with Julie, I always write down on my calendar the day that she says the process will be complete, and a note like “check brain function”. On that day a few weeks later, I realized that there was no competing noise in my head when I wanted to focus on something. I realized that for some time, while doing any task, I had been always hearing a lot of other thoughts like, “What else have I forgotten?” and “What am I supposed to be doing that I am not doing?” and many more. That had a kind of mind-numbing effect which is now absent. What a relief. I’m very happy that I can continue training teachers in the summer. I also feel much more comfortable offering my services in other areas of life because I now have the confidence that I can keep up.

– Jean Rashkin, about Year of Miracles

Jean Rashkin

“… I now have the confidence that I can keep up.”

Lisa Miles

“… I can joyfully live the life I was meant to.”


I have always had teeth coloration on the yellow side. I had done teeth bleaching a few times but found out it was not permanent, was very painful, and was ruining my teeth. I felt I couldn’t so it anymore. I noticed after the Grow Younger class on teeth the color of my teeth was getting whiter as I kept doing my pumping homework. Within a few months it was so noticeable that people were telling me my teeth were looking good and asked if I had them bleached. I replied I hadn’t and was able to do it with Julie’s amazing class. They were very impressed.

In the last few years I have felt pressure in the back of my eyes. After taking the session on clearing the eyes I realized the eye pressure has completely disappeared! Amazing!

I had been experiencing irregular heart beats for years. Some of which really scared me. I took part in the session related to restoring full function of the heart and now am clear of the heart irregularities. I am so appreciative of this shift.

This shift has helped me become healthier as well as get me very excited about how this and all the other quantum shift class I am taking greatly improve the quality of my life (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) and I can joyfully live the life I was meant to. I was put on this earth to be a lightworker and now I can do that and be of service to and teach others the in the best way possible. Very excited! Thank you so much Julie Renee!

– Lisa Miles, about Grow Younger