Best Me Ever

Home Study

Cost: $147


Best Me EVER:

Confident, Loved, Blessed with Permission to Express My Unique Self!

Confidence in the body means a strong presence in the world, robust health and vitality and a sense of joy and expansion! With confidence, you feel blessed, loved and cherished and are able to express yourself fully.

In our Best Me Ever training you’ll be getting fine tuning on feeling great, clearing away depression, loss, grief, even some birth and family issues. Working collapse, matching, scapegoat, black sheep and imprinting of negative behaviors and attitudes from family members, mentors and people of influence. We’ll be looking at why it was best as a survival tactic for you to lack confidence, feel less than loved and hold yourself debilitated as perhaps an introvert or inhibited. Did you come in with a strong program of ‘this is not for me’ or I need to suffer or stay in the background and not be too noticeable.

How you started is not how you have to finish as we know from all the work we do in other trainings. But if you have made it to your 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s or 70’s or more and are still lacking in confidence missing the big blessings in life or hiding your beautiful gifts under a bushel, let’s get that fixed right now, shall we?

As I’ve progressed now with 11 years of training students in the quantum field I’ve watched my apprentices who came in timid, shy, understated or disadvantaged move out of this state into a confident, well-expressed individual. Especially those who train with me for a few years. This is an excellent 3-hour ‘clear the decks, move it along a lot faster’ training that is sure to life you rapidly into your next steps!

Being lovable and then being the recipient of love is often a challenge from birth and parents also. If they had felt love early on and were able in their programming to receive it you would have been nurtured as a young one that way also. Many individuals though had wounded parents who had difficulty showing love, demonstrating love, even being really happy with their life. From both your programming and advanced spiritual interference’s and from emotional mental anchors we find the problems lie in the match and imprinting of parents, and also from what a spirit has brought in with them.

I address this specifically as my own little sweetie was not able to receive love, or give it and had many restrictions preventing the right permission and ability to experience love, belonging or ease. I’ve discovered many ways to clear her so she is more able to enjoy her life and express herself in wonderful ways.

Confident, loved, feeling the blessings of life and being able to live fully expressed is the goal of our training. It’s the path many follow towards their enlightenment and is truly the path needed for awakening and illumination where the body and feelings are nurtured not ignored We’re in the era of awakening fully, the entire divine human blueprint in harmony with itself, ending the inner conflicts and aligning with self to be all that we came to be and enjoy in this Garden of Eden!

3 Trainings!

Training One: Activated Confidence

In our first training we’re looking to the match, collapse, scapegoat, black sheep and imprint of confidence as we as the programing brands labels and emotions that have defined us, weak, strong, frightened, anxious or a beacon of light and inner strength. We’ll get you on track for living more fully your mission by clearing the impediments to standing strong and confident in your love wisdom and get a breath of fresh air into your body- being for a relaxed confident you to emerge! Focused on both clearing and the afterglow results.

Training Two: Loved, Blessed Brilliantly Your Best!

Having the experience of feeling loved from the start can also encourage the sense of living a blessed life. Love expands the sense of hopeful anticipation, and those who know they are loved and can love equally are more confident and enjoy self-expression. We’ll be addressing the basic right to belong, be loved and love, welcomed with joy and fully nourished, clearing away anything less in programing and emotional anchors.

Training Three: Fully Expressing Living Your Blessing!

Now that we’ve cleared for a sense of love, and confidence it’s time to awaken to fully expressing self and getting up to the bigger projects of life! How much are you living into your potential? How much are you accomplishing of your mission? Are you welcoming in and receiving the blessings and love coming your way? Are you fully nurtured and engaged in being the masterful blessing expressing the all of you who came into this body to be? We’ll be taking the glass ceiling off of your full self-expression with a powerful clearing for BEING THE BEST ME NOW!


I’ve had an old part of myself re-emerge! She’s a bit boisterous, but a fun energy too, I’m integrating this old into the new, feeling the best ever me emerging, thank you really enjoying this class. 🙂

– Pennymay

Support Materials

Awakening the Healthy Human Ebook

This dynamic and fun book gives you direction and helpful advice on living to your full potential. A good basic primer on living your best life Awakening the Healthy Human is a fun and easy read it really reminds you of how to keep your life working very well. There are reminders about how you speak and what you’re creating in the world from your vocabulary. Also, spiritual reminders to live with prayer meditation and spiritual community. This is a feel good easy read that warms your heart and escorts you back to balance and vibrant health with some useful tools and guidance.

Quantum Confidence

Are you charismatic and successful? When you walk into a room do you command attention? The one thing that differentiated the charismatic and successful from the day-dreaming wallflower is, confidence. When you have Quantum Confidence you can accomplish anything. Doors open for you, connections are made easily and money flows. Meditate toward your best self with this Quantum Confidence meditation and help turn the tables so you can step into your best life ever!


  • Rejuvenate yourself through pink and gold breathwork
  • Honor the Self and let go of patterns of resistance
  • Release painful history
  • Stand in Relaxed Confidence and see yourself in a Brilliant Green Spine of Emotional Strength
  • Feel the Divine Love without limits
  • Enjoy the Quantum Field Saturation of Confidence

This meditation will make things right and help you move from weakness to strength. You will be able to step into the quantum field filled with joy and wonder because you will be connected, calm, and confident!

I Am Loved

This is a beautiful and soothing meditation that will bring you back to the place where you feel completely loved, cherished and understood as a human being. It is the sweet reminder and clearing out of all that is not love in your field.


  • Being surrounded in the pink pleasure field of love
  • Undergo a separation release of all that blocks you from a sense of love
  • Refreshing your self view cherished loved and inner confidence
  • Discovering the source of love that is in YOU!
  • Initiating a Mudra for self-love and self-affinity
  • Bringing forth the affirmation of I love, trust and express my unique self

This is the time to clear away the self-doubt, disconnect and fall back in love with you. This amazing guided meditation will tell you how to meditate properly and to receive love in return. By letting go, you will be guided towards releasing those blocks to full restoration and arrive at being your best self!

I Express My Unique Self

If you have been self editing and feeling disappointed that you are not in the flow of the mover and shakers, or just not getting into your own personal mission then you will love this meditation. Expressing your unique self is vital in your journey towards an awakened and fully expressed life!


  • Undertaking Mudra for the empowerment of full self expression
  • The Quantum Pleasure Field of love and support
  • The awakening to your unique gifts and blessing towards others
  • Giving you the permission to be magnificent
  • White Sand Beach Clearing
  • The permission to freely express your unique self

This meditation is suitable for everyone. You will discover the hidden blocks that are shutting you down, allowing you to once and for all release them. With the powerful Mudra (Indian hand gesture for embodying change) you will ultimately assume the driver’s seat and enjoy full self-expression.

What’s Included in BesT Me Ever


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October 2020: Ignite

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Home Study

Only $147

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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations


From the Chat Box

Louisa: AWESOME! about constitution & you working in the divine human blueprint. Thank you 🙂

Annette: You ‘go into the blueprint’ and you change it for everyone, wow.

Julie C: I’m so glad we are working on constitution, its directly related to my health and constitution for sure.

Leigh Ann: All these clearings seem to apply to me. Thank you for everything you do!!!I’m now committed to living the life I am meant to live!

Leah: Thank you for helping us feel we belong, belonging is huge for me.

Nettie: I love the teeth regeneration chart!

Sally: Am able to do teeth homework daily and finding my teeth are becoming whiter. Thank you.

Dale: That was such an important thing you said about if you got a body, you’re the winner. I wish everyone could know that.

Lisa: Since we are chopping to feel nourished and loved by family and friends.

Karen: Perfect reminder for us to be the love to help, heal, and love ourselves and out to others. I love hearing this as an introvert myself Thank you so much for this gift Julie Thank you for this beautiful class I definitely am feeling a shift and very happy. I was told that my Mother had a spinal at the time of my birth and she suffered severe pain as a result. She was unable to take care of me for a couple of weeks after birth so I really needed this clearing. I am forever grateful for this. xoxo

JY: Thank you, Julie Renee, this talk is very meaningful and enlightening to me XO.

Johannah: I’m more of an introvert, I’ve been given the gift of compassion for myself and others. I am grateful to be able to encourage and bring out the best in all of us. This is a perfect class that you are making available for us. thank you, Jules for your loving bright Light. and willingness to share! Love and abundant blessings to you. feeling warm, light and peaceful.

Paola: Feeling super clear!

Dale: Thank you so much for the added info about scapegoat – it gives me a lot of insight.

Sue Lorraine: My goal is to be the very best I can be in my 60’s. Although it was off to a very rough start, after finding you I think there are possibilities. I’m on my way and this course was in alignment with my intentions!

Jenna M: thank you – this class was very uplifting at a time when I have been feeling a bit down

Silvia: Thank you so much for a wonderful class. I felt great relief like dropping a huge backpack. Love and Blessings.

Jenna: I think I’ve been misunderstood most of my life. Believing I am one way and that was never true.

Kathleen Lou: I have had some amazing energy since doing Healing Sex Glands and Organs Women, Grow Younger Series and Accelerate Wealth Live Classes. I am in awe of it all. Thank you Julie Renee

Leigh Ann: I am much better than I’ve ever been since the original pain started since I’ve been taking your classes! I think it started with spine degeneration.

Martha: I’ve never “chopped” for this long! My hands are really buzzing – very cool!

Margot: I took this class last year and it helped me heal my left hip.

Johannah: Excellent class , Julie. I feel a warm sensation in my mouth.

LeighAnn: I am feeling the regeneration! Feels like a warm sensation.

Shamma: Wow! Thank you, Julie Renee.

Marian: I feel very lighthearted and joyful and so is my puppy who listened to the class too.

Simone: Goosebumps all over my body ever since you did the blueprint clearing.

JY: Feeling activity in my brain, as if the work is in progress and not done. Feeling like I am touching something major and you have put in words what I have been feeling most of my conscious life.

Annette: I’m taking in that there was celebration when I was born. So much of the processing work I have done led to thinking I was unwanted/unworthy. I’m no longer focused on this. Ready to open to more perspectives. 🙂

Dawn: Feeling a BIG shift! Thank you for this class!

George: I feel very good, as I always do during these classes. From one who’s healing abandonment at ~1 year old.

JennaT: Feeling less weight on me Thank you for giving me all the wonderful clearing.

Edith: I feel happy and light. Thank you for everything!

Amy: I feel like a weight has been lifted!

Johannah: Thank you for this class. Time sped by! A lot of clearing, feeling a little tired, yawning a lot. Love the title!

Martha: I decided to take this class because I wanted to solidify my new-found feelings of authority and confidence and get more clear about direction and completely clear the expression of my purpose.

Dale: This was a significant class. i loved the elaboration on a number of the emotions. thank you!

Anita: I have noticed huge shifts. No depression, much more happy and self-esteem.

Johannah: Thank you for this powerful, excellent class. Abundant blessings and love.