
July 9 & 16, 2020
11 am – 1 pm PT

Cost: $197

Amping up Your Law of Attraction Field!

I’m super excited about this new 4-hour training focused on super-charging your access and strength of the law of attraction field.

So is this training for you? Let’s start off by reflecting on your results.

How strongly are you able to access and employ your law of attraction field?

In all our Academy trainings up until now we’ve spent a great deal of time and effort on strengthening our access and use of the quantum field. This has been significantly rewarded and we’re constantly reaching over 90% mastery in quantum activation.

However amplification has not been given the same due. We now need to pay homage to and honor our Law of Attraction Field, Amplification!

In a recent Realms training I discovered our community at best was using with success about 12% of the law of attraction field . Now you have to think about this, this is the field that helps you:

  1. Bring in money
  2. Live a successful visible life
  3. Regenerate your cells
  4. Attract love and partnership

I’m really looking forward to fine-tuning this area, and looking at ways to expand the goodness already coming to me, and I’m committed to doing this for you also.

A couple years ago I asked, how much of the blessings meant for me have I actually received in this life? I got 60%. That means I prevented or walk away from wealth, love, health and happiness without even realizing what I was doing.

Don’t let this be your fate, it’s time for some serious shifting!

Two spectacular trainings (each two hours long) give us the time we need to get the shift done for all participants. This makes you more successful in all other wealth classes, and in making more money, growing your business, improving your regenerations and strengthening your love magnetization! All stuff once improved I personally know I will love these results!

This training is for the very successful who know they can do more, the up and coming who love a hand up, and the struggling who are ready for more and haven’t been able to now consistently make the magic happen to live the life they desire.

Here’s what we’ll cover in our trainings:

chest full of money

Training One: Expanding My Law of Attraction 1000 fold!

In our first training, we’ll be clearing all the obstacles to access and use of the law of attraction field. We’ll be harnessing the powers that are already yours, that you have not yet gained full access of. We’ll identify in mapping all the areas Amplification supports in human embodiment, restore and clear each area to full function. Included a BIG clearing in the Divine Human Blueprint!

hermit man with robe in the entrance of a old cave in front of a valley

Training Two: Disappearing Low Set Points from Family, Religious and Past Life

Whether your DNA bloodline, religious background or past life vows of poverty are direct how well you live and love in this life, we’ll do a big clean out of influencing factors preventing your amplification field access and get you fully free to live your life as your own director, producer here and in this moment. We’ll be clearing voluntary enslavement, vows of self sacrifice and agreements to keep your head down, be unseen unheard…and getting you up into your big beautiful life with style and fitness! This is going to be fun!

Support Materials


Article & Audio: Seven Fundamentals for Living an Extraordinary Life

I’m often asked how I am able to live such a rich and full life despite the intense illness and the ups and downs mentally and emotionally from having multiple cancers and 17 surgeries. Along the way to 100% health, I discovered the secret path to living an extraordinary life. Your existence is not defined by the complicated set of circumstances life brings you. Rather, living an extraordinary life is a conscious choice to be and become your greatness.I have discovered seven fundamental elements of life that, when engaged to the fullest expression, will result in 100% human fulfillment. This is your guide to life well-lived.

Young woman relaxes during flight

Radio Interview: Living an Extraordinary Life

In this 1-hour Voice of America radio interview, Julie Renee describes the healing potential of a special kind of stem cell, called a Master Cell. She also describes how to live an extraordinary life by making the conscious choice to be and become your greatness, and teaches the 7 fundamental elements of life that, when engaged to the fullest expression, will result in human fulfillment and that this is a guide to life well-lived.

businessman pulling money with a magnet

Article: Is the Law of Attraction Field the Whole Enchilada?

What women need to know so we can build, hold and grow wealth is to be grateful and focus on what your fabulous life is the answer to shifting your reality! Women can easily integrate this wealthy, positive way of expanding abundance. Once your reality is in its new realm, you need to take the next steps to grounding, holding and expanding your new reality.

Julie Renee.

7-Day Wealth Jumpstart Program to Accelerate Your Wealth

Find your magnetic resonance field for creating wealth at will! Say YES to stepping powerfully into a new experience where you’ll learn how to manifest your own wealthy lifestyle! Become more energized, focused and inspired to take consistent action. Feel more relaxed and happy about your ability to consistently draw to you all that you need.

Yes! Count me in.

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July 2020: Ignite or Activate

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Home Study


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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations