DNA Reclamation

Available as Home Study

Cost: $9

Take charge of YOU and Your DNA NOW!!!


Photo of DNA StructureOver the recent months in our Quantum Mastery programs it has come to my attention that we have not owned our DNA for a very long time. I discovered this while clearing Right permission and ability to own all parts of my Essence. It surprised me because we have worked DNA many times, and many times improved it in so many ways, but there was no right permission or ability to own my DNA. So I began to wonder, how could this be? Does God Own it? Who has my DNA ownership… and more importantly how can I reclaim ownership???

So interestingly some weird ramblings came to me about DNA ownership from a gal I do not know, hard to follow her notions, but she was right on target with her information on how the DNA got owned by another.

Since I feel this is a necessary program for our entire community, we are going to do a two-hour program for $9. This nominal tuition covers the fee of running the livestream.

I’ll be doing personal blueprint clearings for all participants as I have already done the Divine Human Blueprint, but what I have seen with this issue is each person needs to do the correction to their persona DNA/blueprint to line up with the DHBP correction.

Please make an effort to attend this one live, I’ll be giving special attention to our participants who have committed to showing up for themselves and transforming their DNA Ownership issues.

Included Are
2 Important Support Materials




DNA Changer

The ability to change and remove harmful DNA and the patterns of illness and obesity is easier then you think. Energizing this process with love, gratitude and appreciation will increase the effectiveness of this powerful, life altering meditation to allow you to successfully remove problematic DNA.


  • The Breath of Possibility and Truth
  • DNA Laundry-line Imagery
  • One Removal of Illness DNA
  • Dark Strand Removal With GOLDEN GOD Vacuum
  • Golden Radio Pulse and Golden Sun Stabilization



book cover

Your Divine Human Blueprint

Complimentary book chapter on DNA Obliteration from Julie Renee’s, Your Divine Human Blueprint.



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Live Course

Only $9

October 8, 2020

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Home Study

Only $9

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Introducing Your Teacher

Julie Renee Doering, Reverend, CEO, Mentor Author, Mom and Master Quantum Activator

Julie Renee is the number one brain rejuvenation expert. She has mapped out the human blueprint and how to work in the quantum field for both clearing and cell regeneration in Quantum Activations Academy and her groundbreaking books Your Divine Human Blueprint.

She has added words to our vocabulary with her quantum technique for regeneration: cellular neo genesis, and for her medically documented: DNA obliteration for removing harmful DNA. Her expertise also includes the complete removal of spiritual parasites and anchors. She is the mentor to the mentors and works with folks like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, actress Barbara Niven and a host of other celebrities. She trains students in her original quantum activation trainings reaching into 64 countries with the miracle of livestream trainings. Prolific, she is a best-selling author, and has more than 150 trainings and 187 transformative meditations