
Julie Renee Doering, Master Health Activator

America’s Leading Authority on The Gift of Using Quantum to Transform Everything


Having now been working actively in my business to assist humanity for 34 years these are the things I would like you to know about me.

Courageous: Let it be said that in spite of all the obstacles placed in my way, I am courageous. I have had first dates with a high-up military official who has said of me, you are by far the most courageous person I have ever known. My courage comes from my faith in God. Having overcome death multiple times, fled to safety from raging fires and torrential flooding, and walked away from a gunpoint experience, I am no Marine, but I will say I am serving in the army of the Lord, and I do it willingly. Every day.

Faithful: My entire life, I have walked with a deep faith in God and experienced a steadfast love of my savior, Jesus Christ. I use my prayers as a constant dialogue to align my will and my actions with God. My ability to abandon my home during a raging fire, pack my car, and drive to an unknown destination is entirely a God-directed willingness to be obedient. God has been so faithful and true to me; my obedience allows me to be more than I could ever be on my own.

Mentor: My leadership style is to mentor those who seek the wisdom I have been given. I feel that a teacher says they know XY and Z and you need what they know, you could never do it without them. A mentor is one who has been in your shoes on some level and has successfully journeyed through a challenge. The mentor is now capable of mentoring and sharing the way through difficulties they have discovered with you. Having met with many challenges and arrived on the other side better, brighter, and more in love with life, including financial, physical, spiritual, and even overcoming death, I am capable of mentoring most challenges you may experience as a human being.

Knower: There are many spiritual gifts. For example, the gift of prophecy, the gift of healing, the gift of speaking in tongues, and so on. I was tested long ago by a famous psychic institute, and I was told by the director that they had never seen someone with so many gifts of seeing, knowing, and healing. Who are you? They asked. I am as God made me, a knower. I choose not to use the gift of knowing to do individual readings but rather to help with the upliftment of all humankind. Having had two TMI and having been evaluated by the best medical practitioners, I was told I was at a very, very high IQ level. As a matter of fact, the Doc who evaluated me after several days said he had never seen anyone get everything right. He said you are not the fastest but you are surely the smartest person I have ever worked with. This is not from having 3 doctorates (I do not) but by being divinely connected with God’s mind.

Sweetest: I hear this so often, and I wonder about it. Even recently, my young daughter said this about me, my mom is the sweetest; she is so kind and loving. Maybe if your intent is to always be aligned with God, to make purity, love, and truth your moral compass, and to surrender obedience always to God, people see your heart song as sweet and assessable. I am definitely not perfect, and I have made many mistakes, but I have learned and grown from them.

This page, in the past, has been filled with awards and honors, celebrity endorsements, and professional accomplishments. If you like that kind of stuff and want to see it, you can click here.

I want you to know I am a real and very genuine person who is willing and ready to serve humanity. I feel like I have been gifted some incredible superpowers that distinguish me from others in the personal growth and transformational fields. I invite you to go to the events calendar and click on any day to understand the level of growth and transformation I am offering to you.