In Divine Bless Exaltation Existence


The Experience of Existence,

The God  I Am Oneness

God is as a Highly Exalted Creator

The Most Pure, True, Faithful, Compassionate

It is from this from that we come


This we can resonate with and draw our frequency too

It is because it is who our Creator is.


It is NOT our nature, but rather,

It is one of many attributes of Gods. we can routinely access, and experience


We initiate this closeness

It is always available to us.

God does not do this to us.


In Divine Bless Exaltation Existence has to do with awareness and

Our origin with God in the God cloud


God: Always Is Was and Will Be

God has always been

our mind perhaps doesn’t understand the nonlinear of this notion

We have not always existed.


There was an expansion of experience where there was room for greater form

In this, we were in the In Divine Bless Exaltation Existence


It refers to our knowing ‘through’ God as we came into existence 


The labeling has changed for accuracy, we used to label this aspect of the blueprint the God Pleasure context.

As I am each week laying out for you the definitions of the aspects in and making up our blueprint you can print these out or save them and read them each day until they become real to you. In this way, you can integrate the pure and true gifts God has blessed us with even in a world where we seemingly struggle much of the time against darkness. Let these beautiful new pieces of present-day purity become a strength and a fortifier in truth.

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