I wrote the poetry and verse in this book in a time of reflection and inner yearning for more. Between age 35 and 38 after going through an incredible amount of loss and tremendous seemly insurmountable health challenges. The poetry becomes a of way of exploring my feelings and begins to help me recover myself. During this period I wrote many journals of verse, parable and story, attempting to make sense of life. At this time I had no good prognosis for a long life, all predictions from the medical folks were of an impending death. My days were filled with visits to the doctors where they would explain to me how I could not survive this or that… and yet I am here 22 years later… Now, revisiting this self published book of poems I am grateful for the healing and hope that have lead me to an entirely new chapter of my life. Grateful for the challenging history, Grateful for God in my life holding me, helping me even when I could no longer sense His presence, and especially during this chapter of my life. It is my hope that it will in some way touch your heart. Know that if you are or have passed through a difficult time that there is indeed more. You are not meant to stay in suffering, but to let it pass and learn to live more fully embracing the glorious life you have been given and celebrate what ever time long or short you have knowing all is well in your wonderful world!
With All My Love,
Julie Renee
Breaking Through
My Garden
Wind Storm
My Love
Turning Up The Ashes
Rain Memories
Lilac Slumber
In The Genes
Love The Ones You’re With
The Umbrella
Months End
The Personals Ad
Brown Skin Lady
I Sing For Those Who Can Not
Huichol Woman
Morning Sun
House Of The Lord
Make Room for Me
A Mind Unto Myself
Condemnation Of Souls
We Love On Different Levels
I Wish I Were a Parakeet
I Am
Too Long Have I Lived
I’m No Quitter
The Walk
Truth and Illusion