Your Divine Human Blueprint is the Definitive guide to working with the quantum field using your golden rings ‘halo’ as an access point to shifting the way things show up for you and your clients, friends in less than optimal, to transforming each challenging situation for the better.
2008 was a pivotal year for me as I had reach my max on health and mental emotional challenges. I struggled with life and death and wanted more, better, and a life I wanted to live not just survive. In the previous years I had 19 surgeries, 2 kinds of cancer, I experienced 2 traumatic brain injuries and died twice. I also had significant exposure to atomic radiation through underground governmental bomb testing in the Nevada desert as a young girl and had experienced brutal assault. Whew…just writing this down makes me wonder how I was strong enough to rise above this and get through it, but I remember my incredible will driving me to stay, telling the angel of death, no, I’m not going with you and pushing myself back into my body after death to return to a pain-filled sick body.
That year, I had an instant realization, I was promised the Garden of Eden, yet I was living in hell on earth. I wanted more, better and to experience the life I had been promised. So I, like Buddha, went to my Bodhi tree, (my little meditation garden in the front of my condo) and began to chant and pray for a miracle. Take me or make me well now God.
This work is of course for everyone. I, having been brought up Christian. remembered an important quote from Lord Jesus as he spoke to his disciples: “these and even greater works then these you shall also do.” I had chosen a life of pain and suffering so I could understand the depth of human suffering and then in an instant chose to remember the miraculous system I came with, asked for help and in that moment, was completely ready and willing to receive and to transform into a healthy woman.
Transformation, a tremendous quantum shift, was happening within me from that moment on. The severe pain left my body, I had more access to my legs, and I could return to walking with ease, then running and dancing, things the medical community felt would be impossible for me in my condition.
The folks in my life at the time who had the PhDs in science and medicine were asking “how is this happening? How are you doing this?” They were watching me grow healthier, stronger and younger. And thus, both an apprentice program and this guide book were developed to share everything I could see and translate for science and humankind.
I wrote this book over 2 years, a majority of it was written on the beaches of Mexico in an 11-week period. I write about many things, and have continued through the years to write and teach about as much as I could get out, and imagine I will do so for many, many years to come. Dear friends suggested I just get this book out in the world and stop adding content to this book as it had grown in size well beyond a simple read popular in this post literate era, so I stopped a 28 chapters, having 10 additional chapters…(things I have gone on to write and teach about, left for other manuscripts).
Below is the table of contents. These are the topics covered in this 550-page book. So many people tell me they read the book through, and then read it again and again, each time through it feels new and they comprehend deeper levels of the teaching. That is the way my teachings work, you’ll always go deeper as you repeat the processes, and reread the pages.
I also highly recommend that you get the physical book, underline and make notes in the columns. This is a way to really learn the information and comprehend it. By actually underlining and making notes it’s going into your cellular structure and becoming part of your own core wisdom.
I hope this book will open your eyes to the truth of many misnomers and untruths that unfortunately have been taught and retaught for years, incorrectly or only with partial truth.
With greatest love and respect
Julie Renee
In the Beginning
Chapter 1: The Human Spirit
Chapter 2: Recessive DNA Obliteration
Chapter 3: The Process of Cellular Neo-Genesis
Chapter 4: Relationships and Love
Chapter 5: Light of Cell
Chapter 6: Golden Rings
Chapter 7: Human Spirit Access Portal
Chapter 8: Chakras and Nadis
Chapter 9: Divine Connection
Chapter 10: Spiritual Health
Chapter 11: Soul and Prana
Chapter 12: Energetic Signature
Chapter 13: Life Force
Chapter 15: Miraculous Healing Protocols
Chapter 16: Brain
Chapter 17: Endocrine System
Chapter 18: Systems
Chapter 19: Dynamism
Chapter 20: Memes, Miasms, and Curses
Chapter 21: Vision
Chapter 22: Autism
Chapter 23: Guidelines for Success
Chapter 24: Life or Death
Chapter 25: Adrenal Failure/Fatigue
Chapter 26: Healing Assault
Chapter 27: Pain
Chapter 28: All Things of Spirit

Your Divine Human Blueprint contains one of the most powerful and valuable secrets ever discovered: How to activate the energetic blueprint of your perfect self and manifest it on the physical plane by leveraging the quantum field. The ancient wisdom delivered in this extraordinary book will transform your life. Since using Julie Renee's unique brain rejuvenation process, my thinking has never been clearer, my health has never been better, and my energy is through the roof. It's rare to find a teacher whose work is truly original and offers the potential to transform the world on this scale. I fell in love with Julie Renee and her work. Read this incredible book, and you will, too.
—Jack Canfield
I purchased Your Divine Human Blueprint book, that came with the Clear Vision healing program. You also worked on my vision while we spoke. My vision continues to get clearer, crisper brighter. I can feel the shifts in my eyes physically. Today I was intuitively shown to use my golden rings to pulse green light into the muscles around my eyes to get them to loosen up. I can still feel it working. I even am seeing the line below a bit better on my vision eye chart. I am easily accessing my golden rings. I will tell you that my whole head vibrates while I have these rings activated. Wow! It vibrates like a hat and down where the base of skull meet my spine – the spirit access portal. As I was clearing a lifetime (3 lifetimes back), I could see the whole life clearly. It was amazing. Anyway, I am excited working with Neo-Genesis and interested in running some DNA obliteration programs. When I did neo-genesis the first time, my golden rings were on mild, but now I can get them very high. I will try that again for vision. I am also using your meditation for vision, daily. Everything is crisper and brighter afterwards. Your program makes so much intuitive sense to me. Thank you again!
I started to read Julie Renee’s book Your Divine Human Blueprint last night. (My brain was offline for 3 years but it’s back now :-).) I had been reading it in pieces … but not from the beginning. I learned more in 113 pages than in 3 years of all my studies! Julie Renee is so inspiring! The story of the lady with gestation issues and her daughter “Jade” was remarkable! The love of my life is Jade (my cat!) I feel like Julie wrote that chapter just for me!? I learned ALL about the DNA last night and WHY it has been so stuck! So yeah, I’m on the path! So exciting! We’ll see what happens!
I don’t know what will happen but … I DO know if I keep studying Julie Renee’s work my LIFE is going to change. I know how hard she tried. If she can get through ALL that she went through then … I can too! Bless her for being SO devoted to the Path to unwind it all for us. I feel so Blessed to know of her. I have learned SO much from Julie Renee .She has given me SO much Hope to keep trying! She has such a Big Heart! I really love her :-).
Julianna Rose
This book helped me to get some solid initial understanding of the new approach to healing before I have started taking classes. By reading this book I learned what is quantum approach to healing and what is the difference between quantum and energy approaches The book reinforced my belief that I will resolve my health issues I was applying healing techniques from the book as I have read them for myself and my clients.
The Divine Human Blueprint helped me understand a lot of the class content and terms when I took my first few classes with Julie Renee. The clearings have transformed my life and given me a whole new perspective on healing, improving and transforming all the areas of my life. It is a wonderful reference book. The process of Cellular Neo Genesis has been life changing for me, healing many health issues concerning sciatic issues, adrenals and the healing process for the five brains. I feel like a new person physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and have learned how to reconnect and rebalance when life gets out of balance. Just love Julie Renee’s knowledge and all of her beautiful processes and meditations. It help me really know I have the power to fully heal myself and not buy into the aging & getting older belief systems that are passed down from one generation to another. All of Julie Renee’s books and classes have always inspired me to be more and remind me of the unlimited possibilities and opportunities that are give to us on a daily basis including loving myself and others without judgment and with great gratitude, joy and appreciation.
Karen Quinn
This book is the perfect complement for me to go with the classes! The information in this book is extensive, I am often referencing it. I have learned so much, the quantum energy and regenerating of cells was huge let alone all the tools given to repair the body to 100 percent! It reminds me my body can repair itself no matter what the injury, the body can heal. Using these techniques has made significant change to my life, not only on the physical but mental and emotional as well. This book is all inspiring, although it seems like a lot when you first open it the information is clear and practical, easy to follow and gives quick results. Real changes occur which give confidence to keep going! It’s very exciting, using specific techniques laid out in the book instantly clears your energy field, helping you to see, feel and be clearer. From personal experience I know once I’m clear everything looks different, more positive, new possibilities arrive and strength occurs. When you have the knowing and power to change your life from a cellular level and see the results you can become unstoppable.
PennyMay Griffin
It helped me understand what I’m comprised of. I learned how powerful I am and how to Regenerate my cells. It also reinforced my sense of power and that I have the ability to change my life. Julie Renee’s stories inspire me to take control of my life and take care of myself and that I can regenerate.
Andrea McClain
From being ravaged by cancer and wheel chair bound, Julie Renee has transcended all prognosis and prevailed beyond anyone’s expectations to become a modern day “Rocky”! She has not only beat the chronic illnesses that she arduously endured, but went beyond the limits of what was thought of as humanly possible. Julie Renee has discovered the way to regenerate the body’s organic design through a quantum approach. Her book, Your Divine Human Blueprint is groundbreaking as the “definitive resource guide to accessing quantum energy, alerting DNA and regenerating stem cells.” She has created a self-healing manifesto to inform us of how to take control of your own life, health and connect with your spirit to transform into living your best life now.
Marjorie Hope
Julie Renee: the most important items in Your Divine Human Blueprint for me are: The concept of the master cell, which enables one to generate new, healthy cells. How to fix one’s brain and get it functioning well again. The concept that the extent to which the human spirit occupies the body largely determines the health of one’s body. Five ways to restore one’s human access portal so the spirit can be fully in one’s body. Protocols for restoring the endocrine system, which has helped me regain my authentic self. A protocol for clearing one’s vision, something that a majority of us could benefit from.
Nan Schweiger
I loved how it pulled in both the physical and spiritual, showing me how they’re connected. Your Divine Human Blueprint is the most comprehensive book I’ve read touching on esoteric elements: auras, chakras, souls, memes, spirits and so much more. Some things I learned about for the first time, but immediately recognized the truth within. I so appreciated the exact descriptions of 5 brains and associated colors. Your detailed descriptions of systems in this book are absolutely amazing!
Leslie Rivera
Reading Your Divine Human Blueprint opened up a whole new way to explore my innate healing capabilities. Honestly, I never knew or had even heard of the quantum pleasure field let alone how to access it or how powerful it is. The book reinforced my belief that there was another component to the health and wellness of my body, mind and spirit to virtually my entire existence that I had not figured out, yet … I acquired “Your Divine Human Blueprint” after listening (by chance ???) to an interview with Julie Renee……(this contact resulted in a splendid aha moment and even a surprise healing). The book contains an enormous amount of
info that really resonated with me. I’m on my 3rd time through reading this wonderful book. I felt so inspired me to learn more through that I have joined in on the live trainings. My most recent study’s in the quantum field and health is Year of Miracles 2018.
Hughie (Huguette)
Your Divine Human Blueprint opened my eyes to an entirely new perspective of what is going on and how things “work” Before reading this book and studying Julie Renee’s teachings, I had never really heard of the concept of the Divine Human Blueprint and how important it is to be aware of it and to work with it for positive growth and change. Reading this manuscript reinforced my sense of self-worth and self-power. We each have the ability to change our current reality into a much higher vibrational reality. I learned that I am able to change my world and it is my birthright to be in charge of me in all aspects and forms that I exist. Before I learned the skills to change the environment in a room etc. from Julie Renee’s Diamond online retreat class, I took the book and put it on the bedside table. This particular room had some not very nice and very heavy energies coming from a closet. This is a second home my Mom has in Santa Fe. I knew the book kept them at bay so I could have a good night’s sleep. It was a wonderful security blanket. And now with my new skills of space clearing the closet now feels like a Buddhist temple. 🙂 Much love and blessings for this work.
Diane Burchard
It reinforced what I am learning in class. I can review material after class. I loved learning about chakras and examples of specific cases of clients that explain how techniques helped to improve their lives. It reinforced the importance of continuing daily practice of going into quantum field. It inspired me to continue taking Year of Miracles classes to work on improving myself.
Susan K Doe
Reading Your Divine Human Blueprint helped me clear some of the physical health issued I had been dealing with for many years. I learned a lot about my energetic system and so much more! One important takeaway is my new awareness of ownership of my whole being, of how I got where I am and that I have the power to change it! This book has really helped me by empowering me and and reminding me to stay in gratitude!
Julie Carr