As this week rolled out and it became clear to me it would be a challenging week, I had to reflect on the beautiful words of the heart song we were set to cover in this week’s classes. One thing that has been helping me so much and giving me a renewed resilience is the fast recovery from shocking news and the ability to problem-solve on a momentâ...
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We have had a very tough time these past two weeks. We’re not through the woods yet—dear Adelia is still struggling, and all of us are coughing. On Christmas Eve, we went to church along with 1,000 others. The following Sunday, there were only about 50 people in church, as it seems the entire village got sick. Along with the very, very weird...
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Doing what there is to do, not always glamorous or exciting, but one can glean tremendous wisdom in the doing of menial tasks. This week, back from the intensive love retreat, was double duty with children's needs, appointments, and holiday catch-up. To top that off, the garage floor, something I had said to our worker would be great after Jan 1...
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We had our first home visit with Miss Adelia this past weekend. I got advice that was so helpful, I thought for your parents you might enjoy these tips. If your child is prone to exaggerations and lies, it may be the brain grabbing at ideas and filling in the blanks, and the child does not know it is untrue. This is called confabulation. You cou...
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Have pets been introduced to the culture in such a way as to replace the value of human life, especially where it relates to children? I’ll let you decide.  I went to an event with little Henry a few weeks back. He was an adorable 5-pound cutie patootie in a front-pack sling version, easily seen and enjoyed. At this event, the neighbors broug...
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