Part One Several years ago I found myself exploring my recorded history and experience of time as I progressed through a 5 mile run around my favorite pristine mountain lake. I was at peace. The crystal clear stillness of the lake seemed to expand my access to Divine mind and higher concepts of the natural and super natural world. As my steps mo...
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I was asked in the chat box about the Archangels and why 23 were so unprotected. They were formed into a machine to maintain the device issue. How did these angels come to lose their protection? Angels are bright, beautiful beings. Just like humans, God gave them free will. When I asked an Archangel why they appeared not to have God’s alignment...
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I had a moment in class this week to look into some of the formerly divine beings who are now leading our world leaders astray. Below is the schedule of intended clearings. I believe these will be incinerations, but we always wait on God's guidance before doing anything. Principalities influence 80% of the rulers on Earth. There are 88 of th...
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About 12 years ago, I was gifted a book called The Science of the Mighty Psalms by Magnus Albus. It was originally published in 1932 and uses the meditation of specific scripture to fortify prayer results. I am only just beginning this book, reading it during my morning study time around 4:45–6:00 AM, wanting to savor the details of these ...
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I am delighted to be studying the 23rd Psalm for the next couple of weeks. This week, the verse I got to take a deeper look at was: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over." This, as with many of the Psalms, is an adoration of God and a translation of what God is doing for—in t...
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Who We AreI am so amazed with the rollout of the Creation Divine Individuation identity of who we are and what God saw for us. It is my intention to have the new details of who we are update the older Divine Human Blueprint by summer, and possibly a new book containing all the details, perhaps as soon as next fall!!! Our Quantum Academy classes ha...
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