I recently did the removal of the Kundalini in our retreat. Unfortunately, Kundalini has become very amalgamated and entangled in our systems and is not an easy group clearing. After some soul searching, wanting to offer this as a class but just not able to sort out how to make sense of that, I came up with a plan to do one-to-one sessions at reduc... Read More
I had a conversation with our new minister this week, where I mentioned praying for the children who have been aborted. He said he does not. As well, his father who had not accepted Christ as his personal Savior is not prayed for. Why? He said they are dead. an adult is doomed to hell in that circumstance and a child who is innocent God takes to he... Read More
We found out something really amazing in class this past week. We have a God-given ability to receive Truth Wisdom Input. The crazy thing is that it has all but been fully lost to an overlay we have heard about called the 6th sense.
We'll look first at the overlay of the 6th sense and follow that with the details of what we were actually gifte... Read More
Our first topic is Looking into Our Blueprint Perception: Sensory Awareness and Spirit of Truth.
We know that they were actual events that began to degrade the experience of purity in the human realm, from virtually the beginning of humankind.
I will point out 2 early issues, 1. the serpent in the garden, and the impact of no longer bei... Read More
Genesis 6: 1-4 When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the divine beings (Nephilim) saw how beautiful the daughters Of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them.—3 The Lord said, "My breath shall not abide in man forever, since he too is flesh; let the days allowed him to be one hundred and twent... Read More
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