Years ago, in what feels like a completely different life, I was a farmer. I was married to a farmer who worked the land. We had the care of 500 acres, with 3 barns, a silo, and a pasture with a creek.  My garden back then was 5 acres. I grew tomatoes, squashes, watermelon, and pumpkin. We also had a hundred-year-old apple tree that produced a goo...
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It is so incredible to me we are almost through the transformation of the devil to angel transformation. If you haven't been following this topic in my newsletters, you'll likely be confused about conversion of this kind so let me briefly explain for those of you who might be new to our community. This largely happened around 8-9000 years ago. a...
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Our interview this week with beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Since we have taken questions from the community for Jesus in the two previous interviews, I will be asking questions about the predictions of revelations and asking for more of the details not in prophecy, or metaphor but in ways that we can understand and wrap our minds around. There is a...
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I have continued to work diligently to discover the issues facing all beings in service to purity, truth, and life. This included many of the angelic's who have met with evil overtaking. The research continues on who can be helped and how we can continue to restore God's company.   Of the 18 groups of Cherubim and Seraphim who were overtaken and...
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As we continue our spiritual conversation, a newer issue in the light brigade has arisen as we have taken on the rescue of cherubim and seraphim. For those who are newer readers to my work, we have a group of recovered and rescued beings, made up largely of human and angelic spirits. Added to that are many volunteers who have found their way to ...
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