When we look at the work we all have been called to do here at the Quantum Academy, I am reminded of this verse of scripture that makes it okay to be different, do something different than everyone else, and be in service to the same Creator God.
There are different ministries but one God/one Lord (paraphrase) ~ 1 Corinthians 12:5-6
The wor... Read More
It is important to recognize and understand what this phrase means. We are born in the image and likeness of God. That's pretty amazing. So is God Human? Is God of this world? What does this mean?
Let's start with 'we are all part of one body.' Does that then indicate we should all have the gifts of the other parts of the body? Being part of o... Read More
This week there were apparently some Bliss waves that came in, and folks in the new age community were talking about feeling ecstatic. But not all felt this, the ones who did say it felt intoxicating.
I used to teach a class called Quantum Bliss. That's a pretty enticing name of a program right? Some of you may remember that class; we worked o... Read More
Pentecost in its origins refers to the Jewish festival celebrated on the fiftieth day after the first fruits. It was adopted by Christians and is a movable festival 7 weeks after Easter Sunday.
It related to the gifts of the spirit and the outpouring of these gifts, including speaking in tongues, healing, and prophecy.
We are currently in... Read More
This week I was asked to share my story with several people. the story from death to life. and in that story, there is a great deal of communication and connection with God, Jesus, and Angels.
You likely have heard I was in a terrible accident hit by a car walking. There was a "clump clump" and then dead silence. I had been knocked out of my b... Read More
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