Let's begin by looking at what elements of our God-created experience are included as we reference the immortal soul or what we can now refer to more accurately as the divine eternal life. A human soul continues in and out of body for eternity. This is how God created us. The benefit of the Divine life Eternal is that life is continued with ...
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This week I received another warning of the end time being imminent. I am sharing this with you so that you can discern how Jesus might speak and what you see in this would not be from Him. The claim was a current prophet said Jesus gave her a message, here is a 3rd of the  incorrect message: Just in by V.  P. (name of prophet omitted I do ...
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Although we can never fully ‘know’ who God is, He has allowed me to glimpse at His heart song and capture the English/human words that describe 70% of who He is for us. I am thrilled to present you with this, and as we imagine the words from scripture Created in the image and likeness of God, we can see how magnificent He is and what we must as...
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I create with conscious imaginings of life This ability to create is provided by the immortal soul contrary to what most think it is not provided from the mind or will. Unfortunately, conscious imaginings can be hijacked in a dream state. If you then remember the imaginings you can sometimes bring that into your waking state and dwell on somethi...
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God Before me God behind me God to the left and to the right of me God above me God below me God running through me God before me creating a path of fulfillment
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