In our DNA of Peace program, we had many wonderful ideas emerge during our program which leads me to create a great ideas list for creating more inner and outer peace, in addition of course to our marvelous DNA clearing. Write a love letter to God for all you are grateful for. Take a moment to access what you have been given? What can you look...
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A plan. There is a plan. I do not know the plan. In general, we do not know the higher plan. I was struck 2 weeks ago by the first book of the new testament. At the time God's people were waiting for a Messiah, a new King to lead them out of the darkness. At the time there were the Elites and the commoners. Slavery was rampant. Things had to be don...
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I’ve just completed our first community event, the State of the Union address. In this we spoke about the revelations of 2020 a year of shining light into some darker places in the earthly realm, and how 2020 brought more awareness and focus to things we as a community of humans needed to bring more attention and awareness to, and then work to re...
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Although we do not claim to be a religious organization in any way, our community walks with God each and every day.  We attended church this morning, and although the praise leaders we singing modern songs for the walk with God and connection Jesus Christ, the song that rang in my ears and through my heart was a song I heard from my early chil...
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When I read this scripture this morning it jumped out at me in a bold new light, It was a teaching for us to protect our hearts and minds, all that may fall under the influence of the pressures and societal norms. Do not go along with what the crowd is doing, be eccentric, be true to truth and be willing to be uncomfortable, because being a truth s...
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