It’s no secret that neuroscientists study meditators’ brains to understand why the practice can have incredible effects on the entire human experience. What you might not have heard is just like an athlete exercising a muscle, the meditator exercises the brain and the prefrontal cortex physically grows. Do not worry! This is not something yo...
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We’ve just completed our first of an incredible 4-part series on Bliss: the Happiness factor and I’m thrilled to be in dialogue with our students about what interrupts bliss ongoingly for them. One of the recurring themes is my bliss, or lack of it, is due to another's actions. This is a great clue to how your programing is running, and if y...
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A few years back I discovered a very troubling condition, I was missing a good portion of my spirit. How could this be? From ancient gnostic scripture: I have gathered my limbs which have been scattered across the four corners of the universe and know who thou art. Damage to spirit and the (hacking off of parts of spirit) can and have happen...
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This morning I was drawn to a passage in scripture and as I contemplated it I began to see an impact I hadn’t noticed before, and was honestly surprised to discover. I’m going to skip around a little rather then include the entire passage, because I want to show you what I was drawn to but you can if you wish read the whole passage about suffe...
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Today is a very special day for us. Adelia Rose is being baptized. She has loving adults standing for her, promising to help her find her own unique path to the Divine, as her life is dedicated to God in a Holy and Sacred ceremony. This afternoon we’ll celebrate with a small gathering of loving friends, honoring her journey. Some say baptism ...
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