Love Wisdom Creed There is one infinite God/ Goddess vibration of love that creates everything seen and unseen. This all prevailing presence is light, love, miraculous creation, and the sacred expression of inclusion. Divine love embraces all humanity, regardless of religious preference or any other human selective difference. Heaven is here on ea...
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Part One Several years ago I found myself exploring my recorded history and experience of time as I progressed through a 5 mile run around my favorite pristine mountain lake. I was at peace. The crystal clear stillness of the lake seemed to expand my access to Divine mind and higher concepts of the natural and super natural world. As my steps mo...
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If you have ever had a migraine, you know it hurts. It has ‘crazy’ symptoms; flicking, blurred or poor vision, stabbing in parts of the brain, extreme light and sound sensitively, nausea, weakness to name a few. Doctors are ready and willing to prescribe the latest in migraine control medication, but are at a loss as to why this happens.
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