Filmed in a live workshop, Julie Renee leads a meditation for quantum mindset mastery, connection to purpose, mission and confidence. Expanding into a bigger mission trusting all is well.
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One Day Do people have to believe in the process of Cellular Quantum Mechanics for it to work? Do they have to understand the Divine Human Blueprint? No. It works, it just works. But you have to have an open heart for it to work. And the most comical thing happened the other day, is that because it's so simple and so profoundly effective, a wom... Read More
What would it be like, if you could be one hundred percent healthy in all aspects of your life? You'd be unstoppable, wouldn't you? Well, you know, for eons, we've gotten it slightly wrong. We'd been always saying body, mind, spirit. And you know what, there's some missing pieces in that formula that really make it so that we can't get one hund... Read More