Can we stop the possibility of the soul being stolen (or temporarily removed) when watching a movie or by having it taken through a cell phone, etc.? Is that like the feeling of getting "sucked into" a movie - the effect of integration of quantum to exist? Author Association Ability Integration of Quantum to: Exist Hijacked Author Association Abili... Read More
You may have noticed the beginning of our prayer in each class has shifted some. Let me explain why that is. We have always welcomed in so many helpers, but in a seeking to be exact in our relationship with God, and seeking to get prayer right, I have been shown to pray to Father Son, and Holy Spirit and to welcome in once the prayer requests and... Read More
When we look at the way we were brought into God's creation, all the steps of creation were from GOD.
There were 34 steps for humans to get to who God intended for us to be and approximately 39 for angels, remembering there are many unique kinds of angels.
It is interesting to note that God did not intend for us to have a blueprint. We migh... Read More