As we move into our 3rd week of 2022, we can see an emerging pattern to classes that launch our beginnings, that of purification and God alignment!  The classes I teach, and the days I teach them are Divinely guided. I know this to be true for myself when this week has had a significant issue with a bad reaction to a drug used when in a small-f...
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I have students share with me their ideas about 'nano' items that are marketed and promoted as the latest greatest best tool to accomplish for example pain relief, nerve-calming, or skin tightening. Many items have nanotechnology in them, some things you might be surprised about like supplements, skincare, and even pillows. For many of these items ...
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On Dec 31st a deer leaped into my vehicle. I saw it and continued in my mind to see it choose to leap onto my Volvo's front left bumper. I saw it choose. I saw it before it leaped, and slammed on the brakes ( I was on a side road so I came to a quick stop) still there was an impact, the deer was stunned and there was immediate help. A gentleman (li...
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We are in a time where social feelings are in the place of the King on deciding on any issue. Rather than looking at facts, individuals observe feelings and actions of those they admire. The breakdown in this is that those admired may not have actually done any research, or be saying something because they have been paid to influence the masses, an...
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Okay, so when someone says that to you, you know they are being friendly and supportive, but I cringe a bit when I hear that phrase. Why? It seems to be a curse of apathy and letting injustice reign.  I work very hard, and there is no part of me that wants to embrace the don't work too hard work ethic, but working with intention, smartly can al...
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