I have seen a lot of information on the potential harm from the C19 Vaccines and women's fertility. This week a woman health practitioner came out with what she had been seeing in her practice and with an informal survey of her friends in the same business, that of helping women carry and deliver babies safely.
She saw this phenomenon with non-v... Read More
You might begin each day with this question. What am I doing today that matters for eternity? In asking the question you begin to anchor that what you do, your action thought deeds, and words matter. How you hold space for those who are not on your level or as evolved as you are matters as well.
I am noticing again the need for folks to polari... Read More
I know there was a lot to take in in this newsletter so I will keep this last segment short and sweet!
In the past weeks, I have heard from a number of you about the vaccine and pressure to take it. A handful have felt they needed to take the vaccine for whatever reason, and went ahead and gotten the shot while others want to stay on the non-v... Read More
We’re looking at the process of aligning, intensely in our 6 month Forever 201 program with good reason. Alignment makes you stronger. It raises your frequency when you align with what is true and pure and rapidly helps move you up on the ascension path.
When I speak about aligning I am suggesting aligning with God and the highest potential.
... Read More
Is the cause of all struggles the desire to have things be different from what they currently are and the idea that it is ‘not good enough? I have been pondering the idea of everything being enough as of late. There is enough. We have enough; she is enough, I am enough. Along with this, I have dwelt on the idea that everything is as it should be.... Read More
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