And the truth shall set you free! We are on an exciting trajectory, and one thing is for sure, the human population of earth is waking to the truth around them. Everywhere we look (except perhaps mainstream media) we see the truth shining through. I know we are in some growing discomfort temporarily,  but we are moving into a new day, a new dawn a...
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We left California on a Christmas adventure of revitalization and hope for a better tomorrow. Like the Wiseman of old on their Camels following a magical star of Bethlehem, we dutifully loaded our GPS for a place of more freedom of expression and life. Our journey took us 1600 miles in a short 3 days. Along the road we were warned about governmenta...
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As I ready myself for a trip to the Woodlands in Texas for some serious house hunting, and prepare to put my home on the market, I am also creating clearings and resets for both shifts that will ensure a smoother move.  If you have the skill to make a clearing chart, that is really most optimal. Since I am working on multiple transformations, m...
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Are you wondering How do I Maintain my energy, vitality and momentum using what I am learning with Quantum Activation?  Lately I’ve been hearing from the one to one session participants of a great fatigue, lack of libido, and overall sense of exhaustion. The curious question is, is this phenomenon related to the Covid Lockdown, or does the so...
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In the last article of this newsletter I write about a huge topic of stealing from our blueprint, be sure to read it in its entirety. It is very helpful and informative.  With Adelia home this week, and now a 4 year old, We’ve had an interesting turn of events. Adelia is raiding the food stores for her favorites. She stole the last cookie, an...
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