We’ve had many shifts energetically these past few weeks in our home. I have kicked up attention to the energetic makeup, our Essence and Perception neutralizing anything getting in the way of absolute great.  I have followed that up with upping all our aspects related to both areas with 100% right permission and ability.  Now we have done many...
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Wanting to do a quick comment for those of you who are using ‘Zoom’ as a tool for connecting with others. We did use it for a small gathering of our Ignite program participants and I found it troublesome. Satanic energies were bleeding through and it took a while maybe 7 minutes to clear. After it was cleared it worked well for us. You may wish...
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In my recent interview with Darius on You Wealth Revolution, we had many questions on why it seemed since the shutdown there has been and explainable experience of rapid signs of aging. Why?  The callers reported massive hair loss, skin aging and wrinkling and feeling exhausted, mentally fuzzy and just plain old. Whew. That’s a lot of symptom...
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As the days go on and the lock-down seems to be lightening a new crisis of looting and rioting adds terror and trauma to the hearts and minds of many. But why are we in this situation? Why Would looting and rioting of small businesses many run by folks of color make any sense at all?  There seems to be a war between dark and light, good and ...
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As I have gone through the weeks we’ve had some good and not so great days in our home. We had just come off of 8 really spectacular days, followed by 5 naughty days. The naughty days can have a few elements that can be improved by beginning to work with your child’s energetic field.  Calming and Correcting an over expanded aura On a par...
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