We’ve all had a few times when life seems to be haywire. Your dreams are going the opposite direction, your life is in turmoil and you just can’t seem to get a break. What do you do when that happens? I know most folks begin to recount the problems to whoever will listen and begin to start a snowball of chaos rolling into the coming days and...
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It’s no secret that neuroscientists study meditators’ brains to understand why the practice can have incredible effects on the entire human experience. What you might not have heard is just like an athlete exercising a muscle, the meditator exercises the brain and the prefrontal cortex physically grows. Do not worry! This is not something yo...
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I’m writing this on St Patrick's night. My darling has drifted off to sleep in my arms, my shoulder is wet with her sweet baby drool and as I sat rocking holding her, I was drawn back to thoughts of my great grandmother Katherine Kennedy who came from Ireland, and her story of struggle, which eventually landed on my timeline and added to my diffi...
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If you make a mistake, or an error, or if you forget to do something or just somehow don’t live up to what you promised, please take your self confidence and self reliance back by just simply apologizing to the person involved, and then by taking some time to correct the issue. Think about the habit of assigning blame to someone or something else...
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Another wonderful Father's Day is here and it’s time for us to honor our beloved men. Our community is blessed to have many fathers, heroes, providers and protectors among us! Thank you fathers and thank you too our fathers who have provided such wonderful genetic material because we are one awesome group! Not to usurp the limelight from our i...
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