Please skip this if you do not wish to have the insights I’ve gleaned about the political arena through active energetic observance. It is only what I see today, nothing is black and white, but I know at least some of our students are asking me for this when it comes through so this is for you if you are one of them! Kamala was sworn in first ...
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As we moved our testing of what we would discuss and how we would discuss it n the academy, I feel we all became much more grounded, sure footed and focused in a direction I am loving.  Early on in the pandemic and lockdown, we discuss many possible issues of darkness and wrong doings on the planet. At some point we even talked about politicians, ...
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We have had many Questions coming in on what’s really up? I did my best to answer these questions using muscle testing to back up every answer. Here is our Q & A from the Quantum Mastery program Tuesday. Question: Wow. I have AT&T. (named above for the DEW issue) I wonder who the best cellular service would be to consider changing to? ...
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Years ago I studied in India. There I learned in the outdoor temple of Vishwa shanti ashrama of the sacred text, each having its own power and blessing. The 4th Veda was to remain hidden for the safety of all humankind. In it the secrets of controlling the earth elements are contained. The words that could start a tsunami, hurricane or earthquake a...
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We currently have close to 190 people who have done the brain regeneration in the last month and I am extremely excited about our first Brain Regeneration study Using Quantum Activations. Here are the details: Why is this study needed? This is the first study of its kind to quantify our many anecdotal seemingly miraculous results. In our aca...
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