In recent weeks I have searched my heart to explain some of the ‘bad’ that has happened to us with the babies and am first brought to my commitment of “Blame none” for it is in the action of blaming we lose our power and authors of our life. The blame and loss provides a power to Lucifer, it is what he wants from us.
Okay so let us tak... Read More
*This is not meant to be a political endorsement. We look at stuff, even politicians, this is a look energetically at Trump for the purpose of understanding leadership influences.
We have been watching the energetic movement of politicians both nefarious and helpful ones. We have a significant update on DJ Trump. The original Donald Trump, w... Read More
Ever wonder just how ideas for the big clearouts we do in leadership and community classes come about? Typically they are coming through the active work we are doing especially in the advanced program's sessions where we are looking into troublesome areas and asking how an issue can be helped.
And so exciting to be able to look at our Grace inte... Read More
As our community continues to ask why skin issues, and of course hair issues we begin to search in directions less explored to understand and restore beauty.
One avenue we’ll be looking at this week in an open to the community program is the dissolving of Hydrogel in the body. Hydrogel was part of the recent poke, but has been used for years... Read More
We see the issue of Dream Grid at the largest impact with our Conscious Awake area of the blueprint. This is where the impact of AI is on the energetic self. For our community and the deep clearings we have already done this is the main issue. Not so for the general population where 10 areas of the blueprint can be at play.
21 of the AI On our... Read More