Set your intentions for each class clearly. Do this as you sign in right at the beginning of class.
Make sure you are not corded to others. Surprisingly, some of our students are unaware of the fact they have corded someone. The only time cording is good is during infancy and early childhood. Yet folks cord friends, lovers, enemies, any and ev... Read More
What we need to know about the laminins:
There are 18 types
It seems like part of what the builders of DNA designed. I do not test that they are from God but are original to the ‘blueprint’ where DNA was added and in this case, we do need them as they serve as cell support for the body we currently have.
We need them to have our molecu... Read More
This was an exciting week in our academy classes as we began to formulate a winning formula for our participants in our year-long classes.
Although the title I am using for this article is from the Accelerate Wealth program formulated years ago, we are on the same theme when it comes to attendance in classes. As an active participant, I am ask... Read More