AOD possible known as BEAST  Several students have written in both in the chat and questions directed to me through email about a strange intense compulsion to eat food that is not healthy or intentional. It has been unpleasant and upsetting to those who are experiencing it and they wondered what is this coming from.  Addiction Obsession Dr...
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Recently I have experienced some hair loss. This isn't entirely new, having not yet grown back my thyroid, my hair can fall out related to thyroid levels and also adrenal stress. But, gosh, I didn't think it should be falling out, meaning my life is pretty balanced, my girl is more stable, work is going well and although the thyroid levels are lowe...
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I had heard some nasty 'bugger' saying to me that we were embarking on devolving our community by undoing all the additives that were moving towards making us a hybrid race.  I thought this was an interesting insight. that what we are doing for some may look like devolving. But, if this is devolving, moving back to what God the Creator made us as,...
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Rescue of 30,000 satanically sacrificed infants (mostly abortions) from hell and 300,000 from purgatory putting them all into healing temples making their spirits ready for a time when they can move into heaven.   Some are wondering why an innocent child who has not yet had a chance to live would go to hell from abortion or a stannic sacrifice...
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We have just completed the 3rd round of chakra removal and I was able this time to devote hours to the development of the most detailed chart on chakras so far. The first and most important thing to see is who 'manufactured' the chakras. These are the aliens and nefarious beings who are behind the BIG LIE - chakras are not from God and are not help...
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