This week in class, we had some questions about using the pendulum replacing using the wisdom from muscle testing or kinesiology. It was a great topic, one I have tip-toed around for years and am willing to address.   The questions were prefaced with muscle testing is not reliable for the individual asking the question. They seek to find their r...
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This week is the long-awaited brain revitalization we all look forward to all year long! 3 years ago, we did a 6-month study following the results of the brain regeneration. We had 200 participants in the study and tracked 5 key areas of brilliant brain performance, discovering that, even in a big group, with just one regeneration, we got a 15 to 3...
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Do you remember we did a couple of years in a row of earth clearings and removed all the curses from the earth? I just worked with mother earth and discovered all the curse removal helped shine the light into all the tunnels, human trafficking, and underground drug running! You’ve been hearing a lot about all the rescues, right? Well, thanks to a...
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To my absolute shock, I discovered a crazy phenomenon, The little cupids we see in paintings, those sweet cherubim, 30% of them were stolen from the heavenly realms and made into little devils. So the good news here is that I have begun to restore them. Each type of angel has special powers; the cherubim have the power of love. But what if th...
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I was beautifully prepared for this work as over the past 8 years, I had been doing spirit restorations for all our participants. Many had parts of spirit ripped from them and were at about 80% or even less of what they were originally as a spirit. The parts of spirit were always scattered, never in the same place. Hence my beautiful, not time no s...
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