I was so surprised this week to have a group of 8 leprechauns appear in class petitioning to join the light brigade. Largely I have known that leprechauns were little trouble makers, who were mischievous and a bit deceptive. Right? Did you have that too? SO why on earth did they want to become members of the light brigade?
Comically, I was not... Read More
We've been working so very diligently in the unseen and hidden realms for many years; it's exciting, challenging, and always, in the end, a huge win for humanity!!!!!
We've had some discoveries of recent well worth talking about to our community as a whole to broaden our understanding and understand we are indeed coming out on top.
The first ... Read More
When I look at the work of military forces and political leaders who seek to free humanity from the evil workings of the Deep State, we are doing a whole heck of a lot to support the efforts on a physical level with our transformative results.
Awakening the populace
In the political arena, there are many podcasters and individuals who have ... Read More
Close to 60 of our Mastery participants worked a full day this past Wednesday on consciousness and mind control clearing and we did an amazing job assessing the issues and neutralizing the manipulations and sources of these long-time challenges.
In the 5 areas of mind control how long the human realm has been under its effects? 2 @ 80,000, 3... Read More
A couple days back I was attempting to make some sense of what the heck was going on with the weather warfare and the geoengineering attack on Texas and the power grid.
So this may be a surprise to you. The strange weather that has never occurred this far south was caused by scalar waves and rays from beyond our planet. As well there were inte... Read More