If you haven’t been in training's lately, you’ll be excited to know of the shifts and improvements we’ve made in both the blueprint and the field of truth.
As above so below. As in Heaven so one Earth.
In the political arena there is a big conversation of clearing the swamp. I feel it is even more important to clear up the darkness ... Read More
As I watch the frenzy of public figures acting chaotic unethical and taking actions that are unconscionable, I have to as a Master Quantum Activations expert have to look at the impact of all these nonsensical governance dictates.
I’m not talking about the hair salon incident, if you caught the news it seems to outrank the pandemic and violence ... Read More
As you likely are now aware, Adelia and I fled our home for safety from 3 fires that had surrounded our home, said to have been caused by dry lightning. First, I want you to be assured that we (Adelia and I) were never in danger of the fires because we had the Divine in our corner ensuring we left in enough time to be completely safe.
The nigh... Read More
Sacred Path
Your sacred path leads me
To the womb of the mother
And walking with reverence
My soul path to discover
On days when I weary
My heart encumbered
I looked to the labyrinth
To revive and uncover
Oh, sacred path the journey for life
Let my steps with the spirit be one
The love is brilliant
On the path to the mother
And whe... Read More