Corporate and Life Coach and Speaker Linda Mercier talks about her experience with master healer Rev. Julie Renee I recommend her highly!Hi, I'm Linda Mercier, communication skills for leadership that's my specialty and I have recently worked with Reverend Julie Renee, and she is absolutely phenomenal in what she does. S...
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Ar­e you Broke? Busted? Bankrupt? Follow these 4 super simple steps to sky rocket your way back to the Outrageous Abundance. Reverend Julie Renee is a wealth building expert and spiritual teacher. Her soon to be released ground breaking 21 Law Of Attraction Accelerators teaches you step by step how to come from nothing and have it all!How to go fr...
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Are you ready for a miracle? Beautiful from the inside out, tip from Julie Renee, Breathing can bring youthful vitality back to your physical appearance. Rejuvenation expert reveals the first secret to a youthful vibrant natural self by simply and easily breathing in and out...details on how to create your miracle are revealed for more tips ple...
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Personal power and fulfillment: speaking truthfully How is your truth telling Barometer these days? Are you always impeccable with your word? This is a lesson in increasing the power of your words. Just do your best and don’t stress. Over time as you practice these concepts you will get better and better at them.
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