What the mind believes creates your reality. How your mind interprets your world comes from your consistent use of language. Who you are and how deeply you live into your passionate life is directly related to the things you tell yourself and others over and over again. Also how big you play and the level at which you deeply enjoy your word is exp...
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When the mind is focusing on blessings we can move towards great accomplishment, and the creation of daily miracles. What could you do if you stayed in celebration and forward movement? In a previous secret keys message we explored quieting the mind and committing to ending drama. Today we explore traps from the mind that hook us up from the joy...
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“The state that you are in, in any given moment determines your perception of reality and thus your decisions and behaviors. Your behavior is not a result of your ability but rather the state that you are in, in this moment”  Anthony Robbins Today’s secret Key is that of disciplining the mind to stay forward moving and positive regardles...
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