I realize I am a manifester who can set an idea in motion and not have to have a rapid result, staying relaxed and comfortable for time to pass and things to get done in God’s perfect timing. Having a vision of what you want - maybe tear-outs from a magazine where I have focused on this is what I would like to bring in - seems to take it, for me...
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I have great news for you if you are on a success track or want to be. The Forever Program, going into its 4th year and known for being a powerful transformative path, is for the next 48 sessions set up to drive your wealth!!! Imagine doing a year dedicated to clearing blocks to wealth and, at the same time, supercharging your wealth and abu...
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I have wondered why sometimes it seems God stretches my limits and asks of me to do more than I think I can. I am willing to be obedient to God and The opportunities for growth and fulfillment of purpose, but I am not always perfect in the yes God you got it! I sometimes question, can I really do what you are asking of me and spend periods of time ...
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I heard about this concept of time poverty A few years back, and it takes on new meaning every time I am reintroduced to it. Time poverty has nothing much to do with money, more to do with the spaciousness of your life. Is everything feeling compressed and jumbled together? Or is your life balanced and spacious? When you are suffering from...
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I have been back at the Accelerate Wealth program, getting up at 5 am to do the lesson and mediation prior to the start of our long days. The program has such a distilling and focusing energy; I find myself having the awareness even prior to the morning's lesson on what will make a difference right now for me, the home, Adelia, and the academy. ...
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