Designing Your DNA Delivery – Class 3

Class 3

Recorded March 31, 2016


I was thrilled to bring you the new technique for up leveling the frequency of your DNA to assist you in raising the frequency from the 4th to 5th dimension as our new age supports these new vibrations and a greater level of power and joy.

Please do 4hr 45 min of clearing for Amplification Perception Emotions and DNA, for programs preventing your frequency from shifting up to the 5th dimension, and activating the etheric or spiritual strand of your DNA.

Please do the new hand movement using the left hand palm facing up and rock in and back out 8 hours for moving the DNA strand into it’s God Frequency for the maternal and paternal programming.

Best activation’s for awakening the dormant etheric strands is to have your outer and inner actions support the awakening into the the 5th Dimension.

May you be truly blessed!

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Earth Day is April 24th:

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I test very high for all of you to attend 100% Vitality.
Here’s the class topics:

Class One: Perception and having the right mindset makes a world of difference. Together we’ll look for those hidden stops lurking in your fields programming you for less than awesome vibrant energized results. We will address the emotional brain in this class and the right and ability to be happy energized and vibrant consistently.
Class Two: Essence. I’ll help you align with your spirit in a powerful attunement of spirit to body and energize the connection that fuels your life-force and empower your cells. We’ll also be tuning up life force and setting you for vibrancy till you decide it’s time to move out of the body and not before.
Class Three: It’s all about the body. I’ll take you through the 15 parts of the body that provide energy and power and tune them up for optimum body performance. Looking at the light of cell, the power and force from your muscles and the adrenals. Being a bright light in the world means being vibrant and healthy.
Class Four: Energy for your energetic body including chakras, auras, meridians, golden rings and nadies. The energy body can add such vitality if it is tuned to 100% and can mysteriously leave you feeling low and sluggish when turned down on low. Today we tune you up and give you the steps to staying that way for a long time to come.

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And 80% of you are at 100% for Essence Live
Here are the class Topics:

Day One: Spirit Restored. This training will rock your world especially if you have had a troubled past life history. What most folks don’t realize is as they have been abused or seriously harmed as a being in a past life, part of the spirit can be damaged and broken off. I will help you to retrieve 100% of your spirit and do a spiritual surgery of a kind to restore your reassembled spirit to fully operational as if you had never been separated from your (spirit) parts. Following this process we restore spirit 100% to body, most folks have never felt this, and it is indeed a beautiful experience.

Day Two: Restore Soul and Life Force to 100%. Your soul and life force are intimately connected to each other and to you. You can think of your soul as a protective chalice for your light nature ~ essentially your spirit. It protects you from the darkness of others and dark places and keeps you intact as a spirit. This very blessed mechanism prevents more breakage and keeps your light from growing dangerously dim. Life force is directly related to how well the soul is performing for you. Life force does not need to drop till right before your leaving your body, but unfortunately many folks walk around with this way too low feeling weak and weary for many years. We restore your life force to 100% and you feel more vibrant!

Day Three: High Self and Divine ReConnection. Understanding who you are as spirit, and how your Divine connection and high self fit into the picture of who you are, the gifts you bring are what we address in this training. You’ll learn about your high self, the wisdom you bring and have access to, and we will open the channel for Divine connection as we open your connection and communication to your higher self.

Day Four: Kundalini and Prana Upleveling. Kundalini in the East Indian tradition is an additional feature of life force, starting at the base of the spine in a double helix rising up the spine. If you have very healthy kundalini this force of energy, often seen as green, will rise up your spine, fountain out your crown chakra and then spiral around your body encompassing you in your own vibrant God energy. We will awaken and clear the path of your kundalini and learn about pranic breath and prana which is intimately related to kundalini. Both are considered important spiritual aspects of your life force.

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See you in class next week!

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